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Momo's POV

I've been waiting for his call, but  no signs of calls coming from unknown number. I actually thought we felt the same way, I guess I was wrong? I feel so embarrassed and ashamed for what I did! I wanna cry! What should I do? 31 is  already tomorrow and I don't know if I should go- what if he's not there because he found me weird??! What if I'm all alone in the count down? But then what if he was waiting for me?!?! I'm having a hard time deciding on what  should I do!! Seeing him there and not him calling me already makes me feel agitated and anxious.  What the most logical thing to do in this kind of circumstances...

3rd Persons POV  

In the end, Momo still went. As she felt anxious and nervous, she couldn't sleep soundly because of not knowing what would happen. She was sure it would be awkward when seeing each other but for worse, what if he wasn't there? Anyways, no matter how nervous she is, she still went.

She arrived right on time, a few more minutes and they will be starting the count down. Momo was turning every time to see if he was there. And he wasn't. She was still very optimistic about it but as seconds pass by there  were no signs of him. A later on she just stood there all alone, it was already the count down, she looked pale but she had to wear a smile because she wanted to enjoy the  count down but her smile fades away. She felt lonely.. 






"Todoroki are you really not coming-?" She asks in her thoughts




She stood there, clenching her fist and closing her eyes while facing down.. "He's not coming" she kept repeating  it in her head, biting her bottom lip. 





*Boom!* and so the fireworks started and couples started to kiss, as Momo felt heartbroken, she felt someone else's warmth behind her and a person's arm wrapping around her waist and a face leaning on her shoulders. Her eyes widened because she knew who it was... A little smile escaped her face and the back hug felt tighter

"Did I make it in time?" a sweet voice came out, Momo can hear his panting and breathing.               "I think you did" Momo said while smiling and letting out a giggle.

The two went to a restaurant nearby and sat down in the opposites sides of the table, they were both very embarrassed and had no courage to talk about it. "What topic do we talk about?" it was the question in both minds. "So..  why didn't you give me a call?" Momo starts the conversation first, she really wanted  to know why he was late nor did give her a call. "You see... remember the number you gave me?" Shoto was trying to avoid eye contact "Yeah, why?" Momo tilts her head while trying to make him look in his eyes, "The number you gave me was.. incomplete" Yao-Momo was somewhat confused, then it hit her what he meant by incomplete.

"You mean-" she stood up from her sit and stared at Shoto intensely "Your number only has 8 digits.. it should've been 10.." right at that moments she flops to her sit, and turns red. She hears Shoto  laughing "Momo, what did you think when I wasn't calling you?" he asked it in a teasingly way trying not to laugh. "I thought I was the only one interested and sulked, I only  came-" she didn't get to finish  her sentence and was cut of "You came because you thought there was a slight chance to see me.." Shoto continues, and Momo nodded her head, it was very silent for a few seconds. "Same.." Shoto mumbled "Huh?" Momo said because she couldn't hear it right

"I also went because  I thought you would go and I wasn't there. And besides I really wanted to see you" he said staring at Yaoyorozu in the eyes, Momo blushed and she looked very flustered.

"What's going  to happen now?"

Next chapter is going to be the last part *crying noises* TT

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