Chapter 9 - so many good news

959 45 15

4th August 2019


For few days, my both fake and real job are going well and I got few information about Jimin it seems like he used to be the topper at his school and so many fans for him back then.

Now I'm going through his Instagram to see his normal life. Suddenly I heard lisa screaming from the bathroom I quickly went to see what happened "yah! What happened are you okay???!!" I panicked but she was smiling widely I felt weird about it then she looked at me and said "guess who is going to be aunt after 9 months" "uh what do mea-" I froze when I realised that she was....I looked at her and she was nodding yes and squaled "YES!!!! YES!!!! I'M PREGNANT!!!!!" and I screamed in joy and hugged her. I pulled back to see the pregnancy test, it said positive and I said "that's why you were feeling dizzy back then" she nodded and again pulled me for a hug "this is perfect!!!! Today, me and kookie are going on a date and tell him!!! OMG!!! I can't believe that I'm gonna be mom YAHH!!!" she said and I was staring at her happily. I have a feeling that this is gonna be a great day.

Me and lisa were just chatting stuffs then I got a message from Jennie.

Jen Kim

J: Hey y/niee!!! R u free today

Y/n: yea what's the matter

J: can you tell me ur address?

Y/n: sure ********** this is my address. But y r u coming

J: mmm that's a secret so I'll be there in another 10 mins okay cya

Y/n: okay cya

"Who is it" lisa asked while munching her popcorn "Jennie, she is coming another 10 mins" "for what" she mumbled "I don't know maybe she wants to hang out" I shrugged then Lisa's phone started to buzz and the caller ID was "💞🐰KOOKIE🐰💞" then I smiled and told her "answer the phone idiot" and she pressed the call button and put it in speaker

Jk: baby when are you getting ready we are leaving at 11am

L: yes baby I know

Jk: okay wear something which covers ur body!!!okay?

L: yes my overprotective boyfriend

Jk: okay see you soon babe bye

L: bye

Time skips

Door bell ringed, I went to open it and Jennie and taehyung were standing there smiling. "Y/n!!!" Jennie screamed and hugged me and hugged her back "hey Jen, hello taehyung" "hello miss Han" he said politely and came inside.

Then lisa noticed them, stood up and bowed to them and they also did the same "honey tell her" taehyung told to Jennie, "y/n we are here to.......uhh oh I'm so excited" Jennie exclaimed and jumping around, taehyung chuckled at her cuteness "we are getting married this week" he said politely and I saw both of them with my eyes widened and hugged Jennie jumping around "congratulations Mr and Ms Kim" lisa shook their hands. And after that told them about her pregnancy and Jennie was really happy and taehyung teased her by whispering "don't worry baby we can make one in our wedding night" which was loud enough to hear.

Time skips

Lisa was getting ready for her date and I was bored and don't know what to do then my phone goes off and I was the caller ID and I answered it.

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