Chapter 12- Kim's wedding

833 40 7

6th August 2019
9:30 am


"Kim Taehyung, Do your vows" the priest said
"I, Kim Taehyung, take you Kim Jennie as my lawfully wife. I take you with all your faults and all your strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and all my strengths. Before these witnesses I pledge to share my life openly with you, to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to show up every day and try. I promise to honor and care for you, to cherish and encourage your own fulfilment as an individual through all the changes of our lives. I choose as a person with whom I will spend my life" he smiled
"Kim Jennie, do your vows" he said
"I, Kim Jennie, take you Kim Taehyung as my lawfully husband. I take you with all your faults and all your strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and all my strengths. Before these witnesses I pledge to share my life openly with you, to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to show up every day and try. I promise to honor and care for you, to cherish and encourage your own fulfilment as an individual through all the changes of our lives. I choose as a person with whom I will spend my life" she smiled.
"I now pronounce you ar husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" he said and taehyung looked at her, grabbed her waist to him and leaned to kiss her.


So many cheers and they were in their own world. It was so beautiful to see them as a lovely couple. They pulled back and came towards us. "Congratulations both of you" chaeyoung squaled and hugged them. I smiled and hugged Jennie "congratulations!" I said and I was about to hug taehyung but this annoying shortie came between us and he hugged taehyung instead of me. Taehyung was confused as me. It seems like he understood what was going, showed his boxy smile and whispered something to Jimin. He pulled back and smiled shyly and I found it cute.

Jimin POV

I was just looking around and I saw someone that never wanted to see.

I was just looking around and I saw someone that never wanted to see

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My enemy...... Min yoongi. He looked at me and glared at me. Soon my eyes soften when I saw his........

 Soon my eyes soften when I saw his

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Kids and...

His Wife

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His Wife.
I have so much respect to them but not him at all. He was my friend, after he got his own company. He was against me which made me annoyed and I cut my ties with him and started to be his enemy. He walked passed me and shook hands with taehyung "happy married life tae" he said, jisoo gave them the bouquet

and hugged Jennie.

He looked at y/n and bit his lips which made my bloods boiled in anger. How dare he looked at my gi- I mean my employer like that. With that he left to see Mr and Mrs Kim (Jennie's parents).
I grabbed taehyung's shoulder and took him with me where noone can here us "what is that grandpa doing here" I asked in anger "I invited him" he said normally "you invited him? *Scoffed* You know that me and him are still not accepting as a friend" "bro that is for you but he is still my friend" he said "your friend!?!!? He tried to take our company dow-" he cutted me "bro that is business we should not take our business matters in our personal life I hope you understand" with that he left. Though taehyung was right I'm not changing my mind.

Time skips



Y/n, lisa and kook were just talking about the stalk, the music was loud and of course noone couldn't hear them. "I'm gonna get some punch you want some" y/n asked to the maknaes "no we're okay" they both said it at the same time. She shrugged off and went towards the stall. Someone patted her shoulder and she turned around to see Yoongi "you must be miss Han y/n right?" He asked her and she nodded yes "I'm Min yoongi" he raised his hand to shake hands and she did the same. But little did y/n knows that someone was watching her actions and it was Jimin. When they both did handshook his anger level was in peak to explode. "You are free will hang out sometime?" She was about to say something but Jimin came in front and snaked his hands on her waist automatically "she refuses Min yoongi" he said glaring at him. Y/n felt really uncomfortable with the atmosphere "park jimin, what a pleasant surprise" Yoongi said more like scoffed "and who are you to say that she can't" he asked him in a rude tone "she is my assistant manager, she will have tons of work" he said, y/n's mind "what a lame excuse" "and don't forget that you have a wife and kids min yoongi" he said which made Yoongi smirked "just admit that you are jealous Mr Park" with that he left.


What the heck happened right now!?!!?? His hands was still on my waist "ahem Mr park" I coughed indicating that him to remove his hands which he did immediately removed. Without saying anything he left as if nothing happened. I quickly looked around if anyone saw it but luck wasn't on my side chaeyoung and taehyung saw the whole drama. Oh crap I'm doomed!
I went towards the maknaes who were in their own world. She noticed my presence and scanning me from up to down which made me felt weird "didn't you say you were going get a punch" she asked which made me realise and I facepalmed myself.

Hey armies
Well I have nothing to say
I hope you liked the chapter 😉
Stay safe 😚😘
Love you 😘

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