Chapter 20- You

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16th November 2019



Birds chirping, squarial chirruping, and sunshine hit my face, I woke up rubbing my eyes to adjust the brightness. I felt a muscular arms wrapping around my small waist, last night scenes flashed in my mind which made me blush.

He was a gentleman, he did everything slowly to make sure I'm not hurted by him. We had the greatest night. I turned around and he saw him sleeping peacefully like a baby.

I stroked his soft hair, gave a soft peck in his forehead, "you are like a baby now, so cute" I pouted and pinched his cheeks softly. I slowly took his hands from my waist and I sat up, well let's make breakfast, I groaned in pain as my lower region was sore, he was little rough last night, I tried to get up slowly which I did, took my clothes which where lying on the floor and made my way towards the bathroom.

While brushing, I looked at my neck, it was love bite.......

I moaned as he was kissing and sucking my neck until it turns red, he pulled back, "now you belong to Park Jimin" he whispered.

I blushed so badly, I'm only his girl, no-one else.

I walked slowly towards the kitchen, I started to make the pancake batter. I flinched as I felt cold arms wrapping around my waist from behind and placed his head on my shoulder, "Morning" I giggled, "Morning love" he buried his face on my neck, rubbing his nose which felt ticklish, "how was your sleep?" I asked "Do you want me to explain it" I felt him smirking while giving pepper kisses on my neck, "no thanks" goodness me, now I'm his girlfriend I need to dodge this pervert mochi, "*chuckles* cute" he chuckled. He kissed my cheeks softly while hugging me.

(A/n: anyone remember this scenario Hint: chapter 1)

He suddenly carried me, placed me on top of the counter and looked at me lovely, "I love you" he smiled which made me weak, "I love you too", his gaze went to my lips, before he makes any move, I cupped his face and kissed him. We pulled back and join our foreheads together smiling.

Suddenly he looked down thinking something, "what's wrong, is something bothering you?" He nodded his head, "it's your father right?" He looked up shook his head as no "then what?" I stroked his hair as he staring at me like he did something but he is not telling me what it is, "okay I need to tell something" he started, "go ahead" I told him to continue, "your from Dwight middle school right?" He asked me, "yea!! Well that was a great school and that's when I won so many pri-" I stopped when realised something, "how did you know?" He looked at me nervously,
"I kinda, sorta, maybe s-s-st-sta-" he hesitated while I had sharp gaze on him.

"Stalked you 7 years ago" he rapped, while I look at him in a shock expression, "YOU WHAT!!!????" I yelled as I was speechless, "let me explain you" he is scared right now, "you better do" I crossed my arms looked at him.

16 September 2012


Jimin POV

I'm gonna kill that alien, he is always late, we are having a event at our school, well it's like a competition with other schools, so me and him are gonna sing together, and someone gonna compete us.

After waiting for few minutes, he ran to me while smiling like an idiot, "yah I told you to come early right?" I smacked his head, "sorry I was just busy admiring Jennie" he looked up imagining her, I facepalmed and scoffed "I don't understand, how can you love when you met the person" he looked at me with a sharp gaze "that's called "love at first sight" bro" he double quoted with his fingers, "then just tell her, it's been 8 months!!" I yelled "no no no" he moved his index finger as no, "I'll wait for the right time" with that we both went to the auditorium. He was walking faster so that he can see Jennie, while me walking slowly and watching him go in disbelief. I went to backstage alone,  to see others performing.

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