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Leahs POV:

LEAH WAKE UP yelled my brother Grayson
I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed, then did all of the normal things you would do to get ready like brush your teeth, take a shower, do my hair, etc. After I was done doing all of that I went downstairs and ate a couple strawberries since I don't eat a lot and if I do I'll throw it up. My brothers Ethan and Grayson came downstairs and rolled their eyes at me and made themselves some toast and eggs. After I was done eating I told them that I was heading to school, they said whatever and I went on to hell- er school.

Once I arrived at school people started laughing at me, nothing new I'm used to it. I went to my locker and got my books and stuff out of my locker but then suddenly Emily shut my locker and it closed on my finger. "OW" I yelled. Then everybody started laughing. "Awww is little miss b* gonna cry to her mommy? Oh wait- u don't have one." Said Emily, and that's when everybody started laughing again even some teachers. But that's when I had enough so... I hit the hoe she fell down and claimed that her nose was broken (did I mention that she gets nose jobs?) "who's the little b* now." I said with a smirk, everybody gasped and it got quiet then suddenly some random dude went "dang quiet Dolan got an arm." But then obviously somebody snitched on me and I got sent to the principles office and luckily got sent out with a warning since I'm "such a good kid" but he still had to contact my brothers and told them what I did.

Since all of that happened I missed a few of my classes so when I got out I went to 3rd period which was... math. You're probably gonna be very shocked when I say this but... I like math. So I had no problem walking into the class. When I walked in everybody started whispering, mr yeet asked me where I was and I told him the office and I gave him my slip then I sat down. "Thank you for hitting that roach. She was so annoying good job." Some random girl said to me. "Oh uh thanks and no problem." I said laughing. "My name is lily btw." She said. "Oh hi I'm Leah nice to meet you." "That's such a pretty name! I've noticed you're mostly alone all the time at school so would you like to eat lunch with me and my friends today?" She asked, "Sure!" I said very excitedly since I've never had friend here. "Be quiet girls or I'll give you detention." Said mr yeet. Me and lily giggled and went back to doing our work. After math I had P.E luckily lily was in my class then after P.E we had science and again lily was in my class.

After those classes we had lunch, we stopped my our lockers really quick to put our books away then went to lunch. All I got was a salad and some fries and the "necessary" choice of fruit and I choice watermelon Lily was in front of me in the lunch line and she got chicken strips fries and also watermelon. Once we both paid for our meals she lead me to the table her and her friends usually sit at. But nobody was at the table... "they'll be here in a minute they had P.E before this so they're probably showering." Lily said because I'm pretty sure she could tell what I was thinking by my facial expressions when I saw no people at the table. We both started eating and we talked about ourselves so we could get to know each other better about 10 minutes later one of her friends came at the table. "OOOO we have a new baddie to the group." Said a guy I giggled and lily introduced me "this is lea-." "Well duh I know that she hit that emily hoe and her brothers are famous, I'm Andrew btw." Andrew said while interrupting lily "well don't f*in rude." Lily said while "hitting" Andrew with her purse "are you kidding me stop what are you doing omg." Andrew said in a khloe kardashian type voice and then suddenly I noticed that they were recreated the most iconic scene on keeping up with the kardashians so I laughed. Me and Andrew got along really well around 5 minutes later some more of her friends came they're names were Michelle, Ilani, isabella (Bella), Neveah, Sophia , Elle, Jeremy, josh, Luke, Chris, and Bryan.
They all got to know me and I all got to know them
We also exchanged phone numbers and I got added to the baddie group chat!

After lunch I had history (I hate history) with Bella, Chris, and Andrew. Then after that I had social studies with Jeremy, josh, and Chris. Then for my last class which is computer science I had Jeremy only and we really connected and I think I'm starting to like him even though I just met him. After school they all asked me if I wanted to hang out but I had dance class so I told them I could meet up after I'm done.

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