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After school I walked to dance class since it's not that far away from my school. After dance I waited for my brothers to pick me up, I kept calling and calling but no answer. I waited for hours until my dance teacher saw that I was still here and she dropped me home. While we were in the car she talked to me about how I could get a dance scholarship in Canada if I keep up the good work in school and in dance. I've always been serious about dance it's the only thing that I love to do and it gets me away from my brothers. I've been undefeated for 12 years straight and I don't plan on messing that up anytime soon. "I'll make sure to recommend you in I'm very confident that they're gonna want you at their school!" Said my dance teacher while smiling "thank you! And for everything else you've done in the 2 years I've been at your studio." "Anything for my favorite student, I know your gonna be something big one day... I believe in you." My teacher said while pulling up in my driveway. I gave her a hug and told her thanks and walked in.

I walked in and my brothers were sitting RIGHT THERE eating dinner with some other random chicks that I'm assuming is their girlfriends. "WHY DIDNT YOU PICK ME UP I WAS WAITING FOR HOURS!" I yelled right in their faces. "Go upstairs we"ll talk you later." Said Ethan with a straight face but I could obviously tell that he was embarrassed in front of his "girlfriend" I ran upstairs dramatically and slammed the door

(10 minutes later)

I started to get hungry. But I've prepared for situations like this since I have a mini fridge in my room I keep food in there. I took out a sub sandwich and some chips I kept in my dresser and ate and I have to admit... that sandwich was immaculate. After my amazing sandwich I was texting my new friends in the baddie group chat, then all of the sudden my idiotic brothers rudely busted in my room.
"Whatever don't talk to us like that again" said Ethan

(Authors note) Ethan has always been the more lay back one but Grayson on the other hand... he got some anger issues. MoVinG oN

After they rudely came into my room they left, after they left I decided that I was gonna go for a walk. So I put on a hoodie leggings and put my curly hair in a high ponytail. I walked for a good 30 minutes then decided to go get something to eat at McDonald's I got my food then I saw Andrew sitting down eating. "HEY BITCH SIT WITH MEEEEEE" yelled Andrew I gIgLeD then sat down with him. We started talking about random stuff for hours then I checked the time it was 7:30pm! We both hugged and went out separate ways. Once I got home I was exhausted I did my night routine then went to bed around 10:00pm.

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