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Once it was morning I woke up and did my mourning routine then went downstairs got a bagel with STRAWBERRY cream cheese, eggs, and some water. After that I waited on my dumb brothers to take me to school. Around 5 minutes later Thankfully Ethan and not Grayson came downstairs and told me that he was ready. While he was driving me to school he unexpectedly started talking

"listen Leah I know me and Grayson haven't been the nicest to u ever since mom and dad left but were just going through a lot and I'm sorry we take it out on you. I'm gonna try my best to be a better brother idk about Grayson tho" Ethan said while tears streamed down his face. At that point I was crying too lmao. Once we reached my school we hugged as said goodbye I wiped my face so people wouldn't know I was crying then went into school.

Once I got into school I went to my locker and was greeted by lily since our lockers were beside each other. We both had ELA for first period and then we stayed in the same classroom for home room. After boring ELA we had math then PE and than lunch. Same old routine just like yesterday.
(Skip to last period cuz I'm lazy)
Jeremy sat beside me in class again today because idk why but he did lmao

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