The new world part 1

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Tori's P.O.V

2 minutes later

Whilst staring down the wolf version of her best friend amazed at the fact this is the second time she has seen this happen. She can't believe that all the shows based on this is now right in front of her and the first thing she thought was that she will be the best Stiles she can and help her best friend through this.

Just then there was a sudden flash and as Tori looked up to see there was a circle of purple light in the middle of the woods. As she stared at the glowing circle of purple light a bunch of random people started coming out of it as well as them also bickering between them not really paying attention to their surroundings. As Tori kept watching them she realised that these people wasn't any normal people even though there's no such thing as normal in Tori's eyes but still they weren't like the people she see in her everyday life. For instance one of them is flying and then there's another one that has green skin and horns.

"Well I am just saying you can not just start punishing a recently turned wolf for not abiding with the rules when it is quite clean they didn't even know the rules. Her pack has not been able to produce an offspring with the blood of the wolf in it let alone it being a alpha wolf blood, she is quite a specimen. We can't simple punish her for following the rules when the lore of her pack has been lost itself we should keep her and teach her the way. it should be interesting to see what may become of her if we do" the guy said with a sinister smile whilst his yellow eyes glimmered with excitement.

"I get what you are saying Levi but it does not excuse the mess she has caused us for that lack of knowledge, we are the ones that have sort out this mess. The reality is that she has broken two rules and one of them twice so we cannot leave this untended too or she can cause more trouble for us in the near future. Which I can not have that there will be too tiresome for me of the future." "yawn." he said looking like he wants to be anywhere but here as he twiddled his cat like tail and his cat like ears twitches.

"May I ask why exactly are you guys here bickering and ignoring us. Don't you have anywhere else to be instead of here." Tori says as she is bored listening to them talk about her best friend like she wasn't there. It was annoying all of them are, for fact that they just come into the middle of the woods as well as hers and Storms' personal space and just ignore them whilst they were quite obviously talking about Storm right in front of her.

"No one was talking to you, you insect. You are lucky you are still here the fact that you are one of the main reasons we are here. As for you Jeffery you are right but also wrong as this will probably happen again as this little wolf seem to be the type that will cause trouble for us either way but we simply can't punish her yet nor can we kill her or her friends as it will cause more trouble for us. Little wolf it seems you have put us in a difficult situation. So little wolf are you going to transform back into a human and come with us as well as your insect of a friend is coming too or are you going to make it hard for us." The woman said looking down on Tori in disgust like she was below her. she then turned and flipped her hair back and as the sun glimmered on her hair it change colour like the oil paint job of a car.

"Wow is that all you can come up with, I can come up with a better insult than insect like cockroach, monkey-slut, failed abortion." She pause for the moment while storm giggled

"Look! I don't know who any of you lot are or what 'rules' " she does air quotes with her hands "Storm broken exactly because how the hell were we supposed to when we didn't even know that the supernatural was real let alone she being one so you can't go around threatening to kill us because she been breaking these rules that again we didn't know there were any."

"You wasn't there when she transformed the first time she was terrified and confused of what was the hell was going on she never felt pain like that you could see the fear passing through her eyes of not knowing what is happening or if she was dying. She needed her friends to comfort her as she went through all that and make sure she was ok as well as letting her know she will be alright because we didn't even know if she was. Do you know the fear that goes through people when they see their closes friend in that much pain as well as her body changing completely, we had to sit there wondering how we would have to let her mum know that her daughter might died from being in so much pain." she said really annoyed at the fact that they are judging her best friend for breaking the rules as well as the fact that the she-devil was looking down on her so much you think there was something on Tori's top. she just couldn't hold onto annoyance that came from this women.

"Look I'm just saying that none of you decided to come over when she went through the change to talk her through it, so you guys can't really judge her for trying to figure out this whole werewolf thing her own way even if that means getting me a human emphasis on A HUMAN involved as it is was impossible to know what could happen. So even though I won't blame you for endangering a human, it was really your fault for not being here at the time she needed help from people that knew what to do in those situations. So yes I am blaming you as you wasn't there but still think you have the right to judge or comment on the decision she has chosen for herself as it is her life after all. so be quiet." She said being proud of herself for saying that as well as being Storms friend (but she would never admit the second part).

All of the portal people just stood there silently not sure how they should take it as she was right. whilst Tori sat down on a dry log waiting for them to figure out what is going on. Storm finally transforms back into her human form and grabbed her clothes and hid behind a tree to get dress.

"Well she's a shy one isn't she. The names Dave" he puts his hand out for a hand shake, then walks off combing his overly gelled hair "and this is Chantelle as you can tell she's a bitch. Anyway we are here to sort out the situation that we are in now it's because of the lack of communications between the two worlds that this happen to you and my apologies but now you can learn about the rules of the supernatural and to help Storm learn about her ancestry and what her pack stood for back in the day. So what do you say, sweetie?" he said whilst putting his arm out to Tori, thinking he has won her over. All Tori could think about was the fact that this dickhead kept slapping his lips together whilst chewing gum and the fact that his hair looked dirty because of all the gel he used. Then she noticed the horns blending into his hair, then it hit her that she had seen him when he had first walked through the portal that his horns were more on show and that his skin was green.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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