Chapter 23)

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Jacqueline 's P.O.V
I shut the door after talking with Sweetpea, Toni and Cheryl came out from the living room. "So?" I looked at them, "He wants to take me out to dinner than wants me to go back to his trailer to watch a movie...but I don't know about the movie." Toni and Cheryl looked at each other, "No you have to go watch a movie with him!" They said in unison, "Yeah I mean when does Sweetpea ever want to just "watch" a movie?" Toni said with a giggle, "Yeah and with your new hormones your going to want it a lot. So why not take the opportunity?" Cheryl said smiling, "Okay okay I'll go get ready." I walked out of the entry way and into the room I'd be staying in followed by Toni and Cheryl. I laid out a few outfits from my bag on the bed, a black t-shirt with black ripped jeans, a navy blue dress, and a white tank top and light blue jeans. "Oh hunny we are not letting you wear any of that!" Cheryl said, I looked at her she smiled, "Come with me." She said grabbing my hand and leading me to her and Tonis room, she walked over to the closet and pulled out a few outfits two still had the tags still on them one she's had me wear before, she laid them on the bed there was a black mini skirt and a black lacey top with a tag that said medium, a white dress also with a tag the read medium, and lastly the dress I've worn before the skin tight red dress that F.P. took off my slender body that steamy night in his trailer. I looked down, Cheryl looked at the clothes and quickly pulled the red dress off the bed and threw it back into the closet. "I'm sorry Jacqueline  I forgot..." I smiled, "It's okay Cheryl. I'll wear the black one." She and Toni smirked at each other, "Next is underwear and bra." I shook my head, "No no I don't think..." Toni put her finger on my mouth, "Shut up and trust us." She said with a smirk before Cheryl pulled out a bag, "I always have stuff for guests to wear here." She handed it to me and I pulled out a lot of lacey, black and red items. One caught my eye it was a lace bra and thong, I looked up at them both smirked knowing why I choose them. "Okay get changed so we can do your hair!" Cheryl said, Toni giggled, "We both know it won't stay like that." I blushed as they left the room and I took a deep breathe before changing out of the clothes I had on and putting on the lace bra and thong then stepped into the skirt and pulled it over my thighs and hips, it fit tightly because of my hips and thighs. I put the top on and sighed and looked in the mirror hanging on the wall. I shook my head, Toni and Cheryl came back in Cheryl started to brush my hair into a high sleek ponytail and Toni started to do eye makeup, she did a smokey eye and once they were done I got a text, 'From Love Of My Life(Pea): How about we go somewhere else instead of dinner? ' I stared at my phone unsure of what to say, Toni looked down and grabbed my phone, 'To Love Of My Life(Pea): Sure. Where at?' She handed me back the phone, "Take chances Jacqueline . Especially when it comes to Pea." I nodded, 'From Love Of My Life(Pea): It's a surprise meet me outside Toni and Cheryl's in 5. ' 'To Love Of My Life (Pea): Okay.' I looked at the girls, and went at sat in the living room for five minutes, I got a text from Pea, 'From Love Of My Life;Pea): Here' I got up and walked towards the door, I opened it to find a nicely dressed Sweetpea I bit the inside of my lip where he didn't notice, his eyes looked up and down. "Are you ready?" I nodded, he held out my hand and lead me to a oh so familiar truck. He held the door of F.P's truck open for me I climbed in as he shut the door and walked to the driver side. He started it and drove off, "So where exactly are we going?" He smiled, "Like I said it's a surprise." He said as he turned down a small dirt road that lead to a secret part of the quarry, where most Serpent's go to hook up or fight. I looked at him, he parked the truck and got out and went to the bed and pulled out a few beers and bottles of juice and climbed back in the cab. "Here I got these cause I know you aren't allowed alcohol." I took the bottle of juice as he opened his beer, he took a sip and looked out the window. I opened the bottle and he looked back at me as I took a sip and closed it back up. I looked down at my hands, he scooted closer to me and out his right arm behind me on the back of the seat. Being this close to him alone like this still makes my heart race, he moved the ponytail away from my neck a little I felt his fingers ghost over my skin giving me chills. It was quiet except for our breathing and heartbeats, "Jacqueline ..." he whispered, I looked at him, "Yeah Pea?" His eyes met mine and he leaned his head closer I pulled away a little feeling the back of my head lightly hit the inside of the truck I could feel my hormones go wild as his lips met mine. He put his left hand on my hip as our tongues danced with one another, I smiled into the kiss knowing I got my Pea back and he wouldn't leave. I broke the kiss as I heard an animal's footsteps outside, he sighed and made me look back at him. His pupils were dilated, "Sweets I..." I looked at him suddenly nervous. "Shhh." He whispered before kissing me again, I kissed back as I felt his hand do to my thigh, I started becoming extremely nervous and self-conscious. I broke the kiss again, "Pea I-I said let's take things slow..." He looked at me before kissing my neck as his hand went higher, slowly inching up under the skirt. I couldn't move away, "P-Pea stop." I tried to push him back but failed, he stopped, "I'm sorry..." He pulled away obviously embarrassed about it, I looked at him as he sat back in the middle of the truck cab and inched away from me, I could tell he just got carried away and wasn't trying to make me uncomfortable. I sighed and scooted towards him putting my hand on his arm, "Pea." He stared out the window, "Pea." he looked at me, I put my hand on his cheek and leaned in and kissed him. He slowly kissed back before pulling away, "You don't have to do anything to make me feel better hun..." I looked at him, "How's about that movie huh?" He smiled, "Yeah. Let's go watch a movie." I sat back in the middle as he started the truck.

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