Volume 2 Chapter 10

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Explosions were going off, destroying nearby trees and causing quite a bit of damage to the surrounding area. Though trees were falling and the heat from the explosions were causing fires, Tarou was easily able to avoid being hit. He knew just where to jump and where to go in order to avoid taking hits. He whistles, impressed by how powerful his grenades were. "Not bad, Brynhild the Brave. Did you really rig these grenades to pierce Uncontrolled skin?" He continues to set off explosions, laughing as he does so. "Of course! These are my Divinity Arms! They truly have no equal!" Tarou hangs from a trees and raises a brow. "You know... explosives aren't really good for one on one melee fights. They'll just leave you open."

"Oh, please! I'm aware of my surrou-..." Blood gushes from Brynhild's left arm as Tarou's sword spins back to him like a buzzsaw. He catches the sword hilt and smirks. "Really? Did you see that one coming?" He chuckles. Holding his arm, he glares at him. "Damn... You're more crafty than I thought.. However.... I'm much smarter than that!" A remote bomb, controlled with a small controller in Brynhild's hand, was already near Tarou as it goes off. He moves out of the way in record time, only suffering a small burn to his right shoulder. He notices that his maroon red coat is singed, which annoys him. "You ruined my favorite jacket.. You're definitely going to pay for that!" He rushes in and the leaps into the air as deep crimson energy covers the blade. He slams it down at Brynhild, who is able to move out of the way just in time. "Too slow!" He releases the energy, which shoots out in the form of a vertical wave. It slices into his midsection and sends into a nearby tree, which breaks against his weight and the force of the hit. "Shit!!" He coughs out some blood as Taku approaches him, his sword resting on his shoulder.

"You're so simple minded. Did you really think I'd let you get away that easily?" Brynhild starts to chuckle which then turns into a burst of loud laughter. "Gyahahaha!!! You're the one who is simple minded! Look below you." Crimson eyes peer downward to see a small red light flashing. He could also hear a light beeping noise. "You slick bastard..." The mine beneath Tarou's feet goes off, exploding right under him. The explosion does enough to damage his legs and lower his manueverability. Tarou slides back and winces. "Hehehe... You took damage just so you could set something like that up. And here I thought Alfred Weber was the smart one."

"I learned a lot from him in my days of training. He taught me many things that I would end up using for my own army's strategies." He staggers to his feet while holding his stomach. "I'm not some amateur who doesn't know how to fight. I've got years of experience and have always been preparing in case I one day face a hybrid. Looks like it's paying off now." Tarou smirks. "Well, I will say this. You're the first Demon General that I'll acknowledge. You're strong." At his comment, Brynhild gives a light chuckle. "The last thing I'd ever think would be said to me is praise from a monster. Well, I'll return the favor by saying this. You're the strongest opponent I've ever faced. I won't be giving up just yet." He stands to his feet and continues to hold his stomach.

He'd taken quite a lot of damage from that hit, but he was quite the tenacious fighter. Even when the chips are down, he never backs down from a fight. This is why he is known as the Demon General of the Brave. The title wasn't for show. "Alright, then... I guess it's time I stop holding back and show you something real nice." His lips curve into a smirk as he shows off his belt. Clipped to it are small explosives that were round in shape and covered in small spherical dots. Tarou was a bit curious by it, but made sure to keep his defense up. Because he was slightly immobile because of the mine, he was going to have to prioritize defense over evasion until his legs heal up. Luckily for him, it was slowly starting to work it's magic. He starts to let out smog, using it as a cover in order to veil himself.

"Ha! As if that is going to protect you from this! I've been developing this weapon for quite some time and now I'm ready to test it out! Take this!!" He launches one of the explosives into the smog and in seconds, it goes off. However, it wasn't just one blast. It was a multitude of explosions that came one after another. This was the power of Chain Blast and was a surefire way to do damage to a hybrid Uncontrolled. The smog begins to clear, revealing Tarou who was panting heavily. His left arm and been blown to smithereens and his sword was stabbed into the ground as if to hold him up so that he doesn't fall over. Brynhild smiles while tossing one of the explosives into the air and catching it in his hand. "Well, look at that. Seems my bomb has lobbed off one of your arms. A real shame is what it is. Think you can still fight with damaged legs and a missing arm?"

"I wasn't..... counting on... you doing that, but.... I'm not the type to give up either. I took that hit just like you did with mine. You know why?" Brynhild's eyes widen. "Y-You wouldn't!" Tarou's crimson eyes glow as she shows of a sinister and sharp toothed grin. "Time to give you a little payback!" His sword was glowing, the energy looking as if it were feeding the energy into the ground. Before Brynhild could even react what was happening, a large dark crimson colored pillar shoots up from below and pierces through his stomach. Brynhild is sent into the air and then falls back down as soon as the energy dissipates. His body slams into the ground, causing a small crater to form beneath him. A pool of blood starts forming as he slowly looks up towards Tarou.

"Wh-What...? Aren't you.. going to finish m-me off?" Tarou sighs. "Even if I wanted to, I can't. I'm using up quite a lot of energy to restore my arm and legs. For now, I've decided a strategic retreat. The next time we face off, I'll make sure I end you properly." He starts walking away. "Fair words, hybrid. Y-You're wrong, though... It'll be me who ends you." He coughs up some blood while doing his best to call soldiers to come rescue him. Tarou makes it out of the forest and to a safe place in order to recover. By this point, his legs were fully healed and his arm was starting to reform. All he needed was about 30 more minutes to have his arm return to normal. "Damn that Demon General Brynhild.. To think he had such a frightening tool in his arsenal. Guess I gotta step it up, then."

A 'caw' sound could be heard in the distance as a bird Uncontrolled begins closing in on Tarou. From it's back is Shinku who makes a perfect landing when jumping and keeps his hands in his pockets. Tarou smirks and chuckles, shaking his head. "What in the hell kinda timing is this? I just finish fighting a demon general and now I have to square off against Shinku, the mysterious assassin? This is too rich!" He lifts a brow while looking at him. "Oh? So you've heard of me?" Tarou leans against a rock and relaxes. "I've got my ways of gathering intel. I do remember hearing about a man who is a human being, but does not work for the AUA and slays all kinds of Uncontrolled by himself. So what is it? You wanna fight me as well? You're going to have to give me at least half an hour to restore my arm. "

"Go ahead and delay the inevitable. I will make sure I learn the 'truth'. Perhaps the answer I seek is within you. As soon as you are ready, I will test you out." He unsheathes his dagger and raises it. Shinku was ready for a fight. Looks like things are starting to take flight. Tarou has yet another opponent to face and he won't be easy to defeat.

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