Volume 3 Chapter 15

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 "Wow... Those two are next level." Yato Matsunaga says while watching in awe as both Madison and Tetsuo take each other on in a spar. It had already been two weeks since Nathan decided to upgrade the Divinity Arms of all Demon Generals along with preparing a pincer attack against the hybrid Uncontrolleds. The two combatants looked to be skating across the battlefield, clashing each time. Madison slides to a stop and pants, holding two pistols in her hands. These guns were once used by Renee, but had been upgraded to take down Uncontrolled more efficiently. Small blades were attached to the dual pistols in order to give them a way to perform both short and long range functions. "Your gun kata is getting much better now, General Madison. Renee made a fine choice when she decided you'd be taking her place." Tetsuo compliments her improvement.

Madison couldn't help, but blush and rub the back of her head as she looks away from him. "Oh, come now. There's no need to flatter me. You're still leagues above me, Mr. Testuo. That Iaijutsu of yours is a sight to behold. No other soldier is capable of that besides you." He lets out a light chuckle while placing his katana in its sheath. "It's not that amazing. With enough training, anyone can learn this sword style. I'm just glad Nathan gave our weapons the power ups they needed. I can't wait to take on that damn Hybrid-01 again." A smirk crosses Madison's lips as she makes her way towards Tetsuo and places her hand on his shoulder. "You can fight him to your heart's content, but remember our deal.... You're going to let me end him." He was silent for a moment before sighing softly. "Yeah, yeah. I know. I wear him down, you take the kill."

Yato felt a bit left out of the conversation, so he goes over to the two and chimes in. "Y-Yeah... Um.. What about Hybrid-02? What if he shows up while we're facing Hybrid-01?" They both turn to look at him as Tetsuo gives him a straight answer. "We retreat, obviously. I hate running away, but the last thing we need are any other casualities on our end. If they end up teaming up, it could spell trouble us." Madison reluctantly agreed with what Tetsuo said, crossing her arms and slowly shaking her head. "It's a pain, but it's true. Those two together could be quite an issue so it's best to cut our losses and head to safety if things get dicey." He gives a nod in response to what they had said, agreeing with them. "Yeah, that could become a pretty sticky situation if we aren't careful enough, b-but... I really do think that the two of you are very strong! I believe you'll be able to do it even when the chips are down!"

Madison giggles and steps towards Yato, gently touching his cheek. "Aww... That's very sweet of you, Yato. I'll admit. Guys like you are my weakness." Yato's cheeks turn red as he looks away from her. "R-Really? W-Well, uh... Thank you, General Madison!" He bows to her. Tetsuo sinply responds with a soft laugh while looking at them. "If i didn't know better, I'd say you two make the perfect couple." As soon as he says this, Yato tenses up and Madison gently nudges his shoulder. "After this is over, maybe we can go on a date. I'd be very happy if you could show me around Japan. It's my first time here, after all." He nods quickly. "Of course!" Things seemed fine for now, but a sudden call comes in to Tetsuo. He answers it by bringing his phone to his ear and speaking. "This is Tetsuo. What's going on?" A man who seemed frazzled responded in an exhausted sounding voice. It was as if he'd been through an intense fight. "Sir! We have a horde of Uncontrolled on their way to the city! We tried our best to thin their numbes, b-but.. there are too many! Please, help! We need back up!"

"Roger. We're on our way." He looks at them with a serious face. "We've got trouble, you two. Looks like we have to take down a horde." Yato was a tad bit nervous, but Madison was raring to go and ready to truly test out her new Divinity Arms. The three begin to make their way towards the entrance of Kyoto. Waiting in front of the gate were a group of soldiers. One of them notices Tetsuo and goes over to him. "Oh, thank goodness you're here! The Uncontrolled will reach the city in 20 minutes. We have a car ready for you and we can take you straight to where they are." He nods and they all proceed to enter the vehicle. The car takes off, beginning to ride over the rough terrain. "So explain what we'll be dealing with." Tetsuo asks while looking out the window. "You see, sir..." The soldier pulls up a hologram screen. "There are multiple reptile Uncontrolled. They range from alligators, crocodiles, and some that resemble velociraptors." He studies the screen, tapping his chin.

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