part 45

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Lanai is visiting Ray Ray in his hospital room.

Lanai-hey babe it’s me are you okay?

Ray-uhh i’m fine thank you…(confused)

Lanai-ugh I was waiting all night just to see you! Oh and Stacy had her baby! It’s a boy!

Ray-uhh that’s great…who’s Stacy?

Lanai-you know Stacy! Prod’s girlfriend. She’s been pregnant for nine months! Are you sure you’re alright…

Ray-and who are you?

Lanai-baby look at me! I’m your girlfriend…your baby’s mama. 

Ray-I have kids!? Ok hold up I know now!

Lanai-oh thank goodness I thought you-

Ray-this is a prank! ok nice try where’s the camera?

Lanai-what are you talking about? This isn’t a prank! I am your girlfriend and the mother of your children! Oh my gosh you have amnesia! Please tell me what you remember..

Ray-uhh all I know is … is my name, my age, and that I have three other friends…hmm who are they?

Lanai-oh my gosh! So you don’t remember anything about me! I can’t believe this!

Ray-well you are beautiful…hi im Ray Ray

Lanai cried and ran out the room.

Everyone else is still in the waiting room

Lanai runs in 

Lanai-he doesn’t remember anything! He doesn’t even remember who everyone is and…I don’t know what i’m going to do!

you-oh lord! So he has no memory of anybody! Not even his own kids?


Princeton-well does he remember us?

Lanai-I think he remembers you, Prodigy, and Roc but he has no memory of me or the twins what so ever

Roc-well maybe we can talk to him. Maybe get his mind right…

The three of them left and Lanai just ssat in the chair and cried.

Lanai-oh my gosh _____ what am I gonna do?! If he doesn’t remember me, that means he doesn’t remember the relationship we had, the troubles we went thru, not even Ryanne and Rodney. i don’t know how we are going to carry on this relationship if he doesnt remember a **** thing.

you-girl don’t talk like that! He may not have amnesia but i’m sure if you talk about things that’ll probably jog his memory…then he’ll totally remember and be the same loving friend boyfriend and father we all know and love

Lanai-but _____ the thing that really scares me is…(starts crying)…is the fact that he might go off with another girl and completely forget about his family

you-that will not happen and I PROMISE that he will not go with some other girl because giirrrlllll he would NEVER pass a single girl like you and not say a word trust me it’ll take some time though…

Lanai-aww thanks 

The guys came back

Prodigy-well we got him to remember us and our names but he still doesn’t remember the whole thing about all of us.

Princeton-but the doctor says he can go home today since the tests are done and maybe the feeling of home will make him remember!

Prodigy-aaaannnd Stacy is coming home today too with the new addition

Sydny-awww what’s his name

Prod-Stacy insisted that we name him Marcus because that’s her favorite name and it’s her grandfather’s name

Lanai-hey at least you guys have a good decent name for him…thats all that matters…

The next week

Ray still didn’t remember much but he’s getting pretty used to things…everyone will be back in L.A. in four days. You walked by Ray as you were heading to the kitchen…

Ray-heyy we should get to know eachother more and aybe go out to eat sometime…

Then roc came up

Roc-how many times did I have to tell you that she is mine! You and Lanai are together and you two are happy alright?

Ray-but it’s too much work taking care of two babies I don’t even know!

you-well the old Ray Ray would’ve loved taking care of his two children that by the way he LOVES dearly!

Ray just walked off.

Lanai-what’s been your problem lately?

Ray-maybe my problem is with you! Maybe I just don’t like you!

Lanai-ok now listen here! You either respect me or don’t talk to me! I may be a girl but that don’t mean I won’t hit a guy if I have to! You may have amnesia now but if I get a good hit on that head maybe you’ll remember

Ray-well i might just take option #2 and not talk to your rude, obnoxious,ugly ***!

Lanai-Now that i just saw the new Ray Ray…I DON’T LIKE YOU! How dare you call me that! You would never have said that before! You changed! I hope you never talk to me ever again!

Ray-ok maybe I won’t

Lanai went off crying.


Ray went up to Lanai

Ray-hey…i’m sorry…


Ray-it’s just so frustrating not remembering what’s been goin on! I mean everyone around here is tellin me the old me loved you and wold’ve did anything for you and my kids

Lanai-well it’s true…

Ray-yeah I know I just can’t believe that I can’t remember you because your so beautiful!

Lanai-well we should really get to know eachother 

Ray-hey how about we all go out for a nice dinner or somethng! I mean i think it could really help me know who everyone is…

Lanai-ok lemme go let everyone know…

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