part 49

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The  Next Morning

You woke up and you realized you were in your bed. You guessed that Roc must’ve moved you while you were sleep. Speaking of which…where was he? You got up. He wasn’t in your bed. You went downstairs and he was nowhere to be seen.You went and grabbed your phone. 1 text message.
(in your mind)-well at least he texted
Uhp he didn’t. The text was from your mom.
mom-stayed at your aunt tina’s last night. Had went out to a party.
you-oooooo jk goin to a friends house ttyl
You went to take a shower and got dressed. Then you went over to the house hoping Roc was over there. When you got there you saw the boys leaving.
Prince, Prod, and Ray waved but Roc just glanced at you and got in the car.
(you)- the ****?
You walked inside the house and saw Sydny, Lanai, the twins, and Rosa.
you-hey y’all
Sydny-hey ______ you just missed the boys, they said they had some appointment to got to.
you-I just saw them leave
Lanai-you alright? You look like someone pissed you off?
you-no i’m okits just that when I saw them everyone but Roc waved at me.
Lanai-maybe he didn’t see you
you-he glanced at me though. he looked me straight in the face and then got in the car without saying anything.
Lanai-hmm maybe he was distracted
Stacy came downstairs with Marcus
Stacy-ugh this boy just won’t go to sleep! I’m tired
Sydny-well thats what having a baby will do to you
Stacy-no it just seems like i’m taking care of the baby all by myself
Lanai-doesn’t Prodigy help?
Stacy-no! ok maybe on occasion he’ll change a diaper or give the baby a bottle but besides that i’m doing all the work.
you-but that’s the basics isn’t it?
Stacy-no. well yeah but there’s buying the diapers and milk, giving the baby a bath, putting him to sleep, getting up in the middle of the night to feed him or change him and much more.
Stacy-but its like ever since we got back to LA its just gotten harder and harder. ________ you’re so lucky you don’t have big responsibilities like a baby
you-oh uhh-
Sydny-yeah now that I think about it, if I were able to go back and make that decision not to I sure would’ve taken it.
Stacy-and don’t get us wrong, we love our little babies but its like really hard sometimes
Lanai-well since Ray Ray got his memory back i’ve gotten more help than ever
Sydny-but you and Ray are tight like a grip but for me and Prince it’s like I swear he’s just pulling away
All three of them looked at you.
you-I know it’s hard but you two have to stick through it. I mean yes they’ve been twice as busy since we’ve gotten back and Ray Ray got his memory back but you have to work through it for them and the kids. It’s not gonna be easy but do it for the kids at least. You don’t want them being without a father. That’s how I grew up. My parents split before I was born and I never hear from him. I just don’t want Marcus or Rosa to go through what I went through and trust me its not easy.
Stacy-you’re so right ______
Sydny-yeah we have to do it for the kids
You all looked at the kids playing together on the floor
Ryanne and Rhodney- 2 years old, Rosa-1 year old, Marcus-2 months old
All 4 of you got into a group hug. Then Ray Ray, Prodigy, and Princeton came in.
Sydny-hey guys where’s?…
Roc came in.All 4 of your eyes got big. 
Stacy and Sydny-oh my ****!
you-you cut your hair!
All 4 of you screamed. Roc just smiled.You walked up to him and hugged him.
you-you cut your hair baby (smiling)
You started touching his hair. You kissed him.
Stacy-alright alright alright!! love fest is over. can we go out and do something. ALL OF US. Kids are getting restless
Princeton-yeah lets take the kids somewhere. They’re probably tired of staying in the house all day.
*where do you think everyone should go???They already went to the park, carnival, and had a water fight in the backyard.what’s next?!Lemme know! Comment me your ideas below please!

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