part 50

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Everyone decided on Hawaii and you all packed and got your tickets. You were all at the airport going to your gate.

you-is it A4?

Stacy-no I thought it was B7?

Princeton-no it’s definitely F13!

Lanai-just look at the tickets y’all?

Ray-C6 let’s go!

You all got to the gates and it wasn’t time to board so you all sat down and relaxed.

Sydny-i’m grabbing something to eat how much time do we got til boarding?

Prince-err 15 minutes you go ahead i’ll stay back and watch Rosa.

Stacy-yeah i’ll go with you i’m hungry

So Sydny and Stacy left while the rest of you stayed back.

Lanai-Hawaii for two weeks?! I needa break

you-I know! I have never been to Hawaii! My mom has she says its wonderful

You and Lanai kept talking and hadn’t noticed that Ray, Roc, and Prod talking and Prince was putting Rosa to sleep.

Ray-when are you gonna tell Stacy? she’s gonna find out sooner or later

Prod-I can’t tell her now right before we go on vacation!? If we were’t going on a trip like this I would tell her but she is looking forward to this trip and I don’t wanna ruin it for her

Roc-I’m tellin you Prod, Stacy is going to find out and then we’re all going down because then she is gonna wonder why we didn’t tell her

Prod-just wait til after the trip and i’ll tell her as soon as we get into the house

Ray-It’s not gonna be a secret for that long…

Prod-not if I have anything to do with it and you two don’t tell

(over the intercome-Now boarding C6 flight to Hawaii)

Everybody grabbed their stuff and went into the line. Stacy and Sydny made it back in time.Lanai knelt down to the twins and whispered to them.

Lanai-now i’m gonna tell you two once and once only. Do not act out on this plane ride ok? I have a movie that I will set up for you two and snacks so you have no reason to act up. But if you do I will get my belt

Ryanne and Rhodney nodded.Everyone got onto the plane and got into their sits. Thankfully the flight wasn’t really full.Prince whispered to Sydny

Prince-Let’s see how long Rose can stay sleep during this plane ride

Sydny-If she does i’ll make sure she won’t cause trouble. I got her toys and her books to play with.

Prince-Did you hear Lanai threaten Ryanne and Rhodney?

Sydny-yeah but there two and its the age where they really start actin up. That’s how my sister was

They both laughed.

Every couple had their own row sorta.You and Roc had one side on one row with three seats.The row behind you two were Ray, Lanai, and the twins. Ray had Ryanne on one side of the row and across the isle was Lanai with Rhodney.Behind them was Prince, Sydny, and Rosa on one side of the row. And behind them was Stacy, Prod, and Marcus. Ok back to the story.

By the time you all got to the airport in Hawaii it was past ten oclock. So you all went to a hotel and got your rooms. All the girls and the kids got a room and all the guys got a room.You girls all got the kids to sleep.

A Love Story with MINDLESS BEHAVIOR (starring you)Where stories live. Discover now