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Kendra flexed against the zip tie around her wrist. Like the two he'd used on her ankles, it held fast.

She'd made it a habit to check the warehouse one last time everyday before leaving work for the weekend. Neurotic, maybe, but it's something that always made her feel a little better. Normally, nothing was out of place, but today, it looked like somebody had left the bay door open. Probably Charlie. Rushing to pack up and leave at the end of the day like always.
She made her way down to the bay door, and saw what looked like a pickup truck, running, and parked on the ramp-- backed-up to the bay door.

Kendra heard something slide across the concrete behind her. She started to turn, and that's when it happened.

The hand clamped on her mouth and a man's voice issued a harsh "Shhhh" as he wrestled her sharply to the ground.
It all happened so quickly. He'd pinned her arms at the small of her back, with the backs of her hands touching, and tightened the zip-tie around them, then two more at her ankles before she knew what was happening.

By the time she'd thought to cry out, he was forcing her jaw open by squeezing the sides of her face, and roughly shoving a huge wad of cloth into her mouth. Just as quickly, he produced the duct tape, which he wrapped over her mouth and around her head three times. All the sound that escaped was a dry cough of a grunt.

As he rolled her over onto her stomach, she tried to maneuver herself into a position where she could see who was doing this. Too late. She heard the duct tape again. With his knee on her back, he wrapped it three more times around her eyes and head. Kendra sighed, and slumped in defeat, as he tore the tape loose from the roll, and nestled his face next to hers, roughly smoothing the tape over her mouth all the while.

"Alright, Kendra. Have a good weekend." Charlie called out from the office. Kendra strained, and snorted, but the man pressed against her with his full body weight to keep her still, and the gag still muffled her screaming.

"See you on Monday."

As she heard the big doors at the front of the office close, Kendra grunted, and bucked. The man, still holding her down, now with a hand on her head, and another creeping up her thigh, laughed.

"Calm down, sweetheart, that's the last of 'em. Ain't nobody gonna save you now."

She weakly protested as he forced her to her feet, and then slung her up, and over his shoulder. "Let's get you situated in the back of the truck. Got a long ride ahead of us, and you'll probably want to save some of that energy for when we get to where we're going."

Helpless, Kendra grunted into her gag.

She flexed against the zip tie around her wrist. Like the two she used on her ankles, it still held fast.

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