°A real smile°

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~Izuku's pov~

It was another day of brutal torture from my childhood friend and his gang came up to me in class when he said something that...

Broke me

"Hey loser!"

"Yes kachaan..."

"If you wanna be a hero there's a really good way! Wanna hear it?"

I was confused as to why he would give me advice but I thought to myself 'It wouldn't be such a bad idea to hear what he has to say right?'

I was wrong


"Why don't you just go take a swan dive off the rooftop and pray for a quirk in you next life!"

As I sat there shocked I thought to myself

'Maybe you are right kachaan. Maybe I should.'

So as soon as I made the decision to end my life to stop the pain and suffering, I just walked out of the class.

And hour later I was standing on the rooftop with my shoes on the side and a note tucked between them. As I stood with my back to the railing I looked up to the sky and said out loud "It's all going to be over soon"

But nobody heard me.

Because nobody cared.

So as I watched kachaan and his gang walk out of the school I jumped.

All I heard was wind

Then I heard someone shout.

As I saw the ground getting nearer I thought 'Hey, this isn't so bad, I thought dying was supposed to be scary.'

So I just smiled.

A real smile.

And then I hit the ground

And then there was light.

Hope you liked this! This is the first time I ever wrote a story so I hope this touched your heart enough to follow, and save!

If you have something on your mind I'm always free.

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