}Izumi Midoriya{

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Back in heaven:

So what is going to happen to me now?
Izuku ask with I smile on her face after being gifted a present she never thought would come to life.

The little angel started walking towards her and said "You have to go back now. As time passes here, 10 minutes have passed on earth. Currently, your body is hooked up to a machine trying to keep you alive. You are slowly dying the more time you are here so sadly we must keep this visit short. When you wake up, your wings will sprout out painlessly out of your back and the starlight will continue pouring from your eyes. Are you okay with this?"

Izuku started to become transparent, showing that her time to decide was slowly coming nearer.

As she realized this she nodded quickly and said proudly

"I will leave now and will cherish this gift you gave me. This body, wings, power, and even my eyes. Honestly, I think they make me beautiful."

As izuku said this the Angel looked at her and started to admire her strong will. But unfortunately, it was Izukus time to go.

"Well off you go now. Wouldn't want to keep the world waiting. Remember, you are not only an angel from the heavens, but you are also a gift to most mortals.

Good bye my dear.You better be off now."

And with that Izuku slowly started to fade away, but just before she left she asked the kind angel, "May I call you mother?"

The angel looked taken aback but after her initial shock, she responded with a kind smile on her face

"Of course daughter. Goodbye my child."

And with that, Izuku found herself in a hospital surrounded by some very confused and astonished people.

As she woke up, the doctors told her she should be dead and whatnot, and as the confusion cleared the air, along with some paperwork that had to explain as to why Izuku was a girl, had wings, and had a strange substance dripping from her eyes, she asked the doctors to change her name with a smile on her face.

Izuku midoriya is no more.

Izumi midoriya has replaced her, and with a couple upgrades.

Yayayyayayayyay ok I'm doneeeee.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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