♤How did you know♤

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'Why am I here?' I questioned myself.

"I guess I'm here because I'm dead.
Why do you ask?"

It is not your time child. Your soul is too pure for hell, but as you have committed suicideis your heart has been poisoned and heaven cannot except you. But I do have a present for you if you are willing to accept it.


"What would that present be?"

The little girl smiled warmly at me and said "I can give you power that is unimaginable to mear mortals"


"And what do you mean by that?"

"Of course you would keep your Angel form and also have multiple ... what do you mortals call our gift? Ah yes, Quirks."

'Multiple quirks?! Angel form?! Gift?!'

"Yes, have you not realized where you are child?" Izuku shook his head causing something to drop from his eyes. As he wiped his cheeks he noticed that whatever he was wiping, was multicolored like a glitching rainbow and thick as oil. As he showed visible confusion the little girl said "ah, so you are wondering what that is huh. Let's take it slow okay? That thing that is dripping from your eyes is called


(If you know you know)
(Plz tell me if you do)

The little girl watched as the green haired boy tilted his head to the side as if to ask 'what do you mean?'

As she started to explain, izuku started to become more and more shocked.

"As you see, you are dead, but when you arrive here, the area that was most damaged when you passed on has starlight constantly pouring out of it. Now starlight is very beautiful as it us dangerous. If someone does not have permission to touch you, the affected area will pour out an exaggerated amount of starlight that can paralyze a person.

"Now you are probably thinking 'what gifts will she give me' now I shall tell you. I will give you the power of

'angelus vitiatas inficit' "

"It means 'tainted angel' as you have tainted your soul from killing yourself but you have never had a ill intent toward any living being."

As the green haired boy stood there he continued listening while inspecting his wings, as they were a beautiful pearly white color, brighter than any star.

The little girl stopped talking and after a moment she started walking towards the newly born angel. She then put a hand on his cheek and said,

"And this is a present from me".

Suddenly Izukus body started glowing and as the glow started to fade away he noticed that his body started to look more feminine. 'Whaaa?'

Then he realized why this was a present. "How did you know?"

What's going to happen next?
What did she know?
Find out in the next chapter!
Peace ☺❤

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