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Chapter: Downtime.

A/N Getting back into this story got some good ideas for ya'll hope you enjoy. Please Read and Review. Reviews are amazing and help me stay motivated. So just type up a small review or a detailed review I welcome them all.

" That was amazing!" Ace says as he climbs off the bike. He runs to the car and does a very complex handshake with Dragon. " So what to do now?" Valo asks as she climbs out of the car.

Back upstairs the team is in their usual positions. Midnight and Dragon PLAYING VIDEO GAMES, Demonic in her room, Valo reading a book and Ace playing with his cards. Demonic comes out of her room smiling which is... wierd.

" Whats up with you?" Ace asks Demonic after seeing her smile.

" Nothing. Why?." She asks innocently.

" Ohhhh nothing." Ace replies.

" Well I am tired of just sitting here so who wants to go out, maybe do something?" Demonic asks to everyones surprise but no ones objection. " Yeah lets do something, maybe go shopping?" Midnight says as her and Valo get excited. " But first we need some street clothes. Gotta get out of our superhero gear. Lets meet here when we are ready say about 45 minutes?"

45 minutes later.

Midnight is wearing vans and BLACK SKINNY JEANS with a long purple blouse.

Dragon is wearing boots with blue jeans and a button up.

Valo is wearing a white summer dress with flats.

Demonic is wearing a short black dress with long grey and black socks and black heels and

Ace is wearing red skinny jeans with a black band tee and a beanie.

" Well everyone looks nice. Let's get on with it." Ace says as he walks to the garage and sits on the bike. " Who wants to ride with? I promise I will drive nice." Ace adds looking up at the girls who know he will not drive safe they all laugh and get in the car. All except one.

" Midnight you game?" Ace asks noticing her hesitation

" Yeah I guess I can ride with you... As long as ya drive safe." Midnight replies as she climbs on the back of the bike putting on the helmet that Ace OFFERED her.

" You ready?" Ace asks as he starts up the bike just barely hearing her reply of yes. Ace peals out of the garage speeding along the highway toward the inner city. The T-car right behind them. Ace throttles the bike hard causing the front tire to come off the ground and Midnight to grip around his waist tight. After a few moments on the highway before they turn into the the Jump City Mall parking lot. Ace hops off the bike and smiles at Midnight whose hair is all disheveled. Ace repositiones the mirror so she can see to fix her hair and laughs at her softly " So did you have a good time?" Ace asks

" You. Drive like a maniac." Midnight replies flustered.'

" Oh you liked it." Ace says confidentily

The group strolls into the mall all splitting up. Dragon, Demonic and Ace hit up the arcade while Midnight and Valo head to the clothing stores.

Dragon and Demonic walk on either side of Ace he sees how the girls look at them, wanting to replace Dragon or Demonic. And the guys wanting to replace Ace even looking to fight him to prove their worthiness.

" Hey punk, why don't you let them pretty girls do what they want instead of hanging around a drag like you." One thug said. To which Ace responded with a quick grin and a wave. Which only infuriated them more.

" Why can't you just ignore people Ace" Demonic asks slightly intimidated by the thugs demeanor.

" What are you talking about I just waved." Ace responds still smiling.
" Yeah well now we have company" Dragon replies as the thug gets up and strolls over to them.

" You got a problem boy?" The thug asks aggressively.

" I dont think I am the one with a problem, just step off." Ace replies laughing.

" Make me punk." The thug said shoving Ace roughly.

Ace bristles up, fist raised, ready for a fight. The thug rolled his shoulders and raised his fists too " You wanna get your butt whooped punk?"

All of a sudden a large man walked up and put his hand on the thugs shoulder.

" Back off Gage these kids havent bothered you any. Take a walk." The man said pushing the thug away. The man was dressed in a black and red business suit with a silky red tie and dark sunglasses. " Sorry about him guys, He is a bit unstable. Listen I am STARTING A BUSSINESS. One that needs security you want to get in? I will let ya be Head of Security."

" He isn't interested." Midnight says as she walks up with Valo.

" Okay I can take a hint. I'm not welcome by your friends. " The man says as he shakes Ace's hand and walks away disappearing in the shadows.

" Well that was wierd." Dragon says still looking where the man disappeared from.

" Okay team lets head on before it gets worse." Ace says as he starts walking to the parking lot.

-Back at the Titan Tower-

Let's turn in team, don't know when we may get a call." Ace tells his team as he climbes the staircase out of the garage. " Good Night, Sleep Sweet." Back in Aces bedroom he sits spinning a BUSINESS CARD. The strange man had slipped him the card when he shook his hand. Very sly, very smooth. No one even noticed. It isn't like Ace was going to work for him, maybe just see what was going on. Ace then called the number on the card and was greeted with a deep voice " I figured you would call..."

A/N I had my friend write out the civilian wear for the characters, She is a whole lot better at clothing coordination than I am. She has been reading this story since the beginning and I guess she has insight on these characters so I hope the clothes are a good representation of the characters themselves. Don't forget to Read and Review, What is Ace going to do? Who is this mysterious man? Will I ever stop asking questions? OF COURSE NOT!


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