Chapter 1: Those eyes

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I'm about to leave Endeavors building when a young man comes running up to the door. His duel-colored hair and two colored eyes catching my attention. "You going in?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm late to meet my father." The young teen states.

"Oh? Well best to hurry." I reply, noticing the left side of his face. The eye and hair reminds me of Endeavor.

"Thank you." He replies as I hold the door for him.

"No problem. Hopefully we get to see each other again." I tease.

"Do you work here?" He asks, turning around.

"Yeah." I reply, curious of his interest.

"Are you one of Endeavors side-kicks?" He asks.

"In a way." I reply. "I'm kind of one of the top ten heroes that work for him."

"Then we will see each other again." He states, with a small smirk.

"Till then." I smirk back and watch him run upstairs.

I'm about to leave, once again, till I noticed he dropped something, his school ID card. "Should I return it now or wait?" I ask myself. "I do wanna head home. But then again i wanna see that kid again." I give up and headback inside the building.

I head up the stairs and get to the door.

"Shoto, I dont want to hear anymore. You are my masterpiece and you will not waste perfectly good training time by running off with such pathetic excuses of the next heroes." Endeavors voice breaks through the door.


"I said no. And if you continue I will add more training....infact double training tonight." Endeavor states.


"Triple!" Endeavor shouts.

I take that moment as time to be a hero. "Endeavor." I barge in.

"Hawks, I thought you left." Endeavor acts like nothing was going on.

"I was going to but I ran into your amazing son and noticed he dropped something while rushing." I hold up his school ID card.

"Oh thank you." Endeavor pretends to be happy, even though it's obvious he could careless.

"Shoto, your clumsiness will cause you to fall from surpassing all might and myself. Learn to keep your things in check." He lectures him.

I watch as Shoto sighs in annoyance as he takes the ID card.

"Hey big man, it happens to everyone." I try to soothe the situation.

"Not in my family." He spits. "Shoto here is my masterpiece. There will be no flaws allowed."

"That's kind of ha-"

"I think you better leave Hawks." Endeavor interrupts me. "Before you end up in the same situation."

I sigh in defeat. I mean what is there for Endeavor to do to him? He wouldnt abuse his youngest would he?

I make it home and immediately plop down on my bed. "Damn what a day." I sigh. I cant stop thinking about Shoto. How could someone like Endeavor make a child as good looking as Shoto?

That scar though, did Endeavor do that to him or was it a training accident? The thought of Endeavor hurting Shoto pisses me off, but I cant figure out why. "The kid is a minor!" I shout as if someone was in the room with me. "What the hell am I thinking?!" I look in the mirror in my bathroom and stare myself in the eyes. "Hes a minor, you are an adult. That's disgusting! Don't even think of such things!" I feel so stupid for doing this but it's worse that I think I have feeling for this kid.

I head to bed and lay there, no matter what I do I can't stop thinking of this kid.

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