chapter 4: lets run away together

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****hawks pov***

Today couldn't have been anymore perfect. Lunch was amazing with Shoto, other than hearing his ex boyfriend harrassing him at school before lunch.

However, I'm just glad Endeavor doesn't know about us. Just wish I could've had dinner with shoto. But oh well.

I hope right into bed and decide to doze off.

I'm woken up by my phone, it's the ringtone I have for Shoto. I look and see his name. I immediately answer then see the time, 1am.

"What's wrong?" I ask, worried.

"My father." He answers, his voice sounds hoarse.

I jolt up and immediately start putting on my Jean's. "What did he do?" I ask, now furious.

"If I say, you will get furious." He states.


"Keigo!" He interrupts me.

"He hit you, didn't he?" I growl.


"Didnt he?" I ask again.

"We were training and-"

"Shoto, you called me at 1 in the morning. Now fess up."

"He burned my leg to the point I cant move." He states. "I've been laying here in the training room all night. And fuyumi isn't even home."

"Why didnt you call me sooner?" I ask, now grabbing my boots.

"I was not able to move and I was passed out from extreme pain." He states.

"I'll take you to the hospital." I state as i start to head for the door.

"No!" He replies.


"No hospitals, please." He begs.

"Then where do I take you then?" I ask, kind of annoyed.

"Can I just come over to your place?" He asks.

"Shoto, your leg probably needs medical attention." I state.

"Its fine for now. I covered it in ice to cool off the burning." He tries.

"Shoto, you need a hospital." I insist.

"No! My father will kill me for going there after training with him." He states, sounding worried.

"There has to be...wait, your school nurse is recovery girl! We can go to her." I remember that he has a school nurse.

"She will-"

"Not know what's going on between us. She knows I'm one of Endeavors sidekicks. She wont ask for our relation to each other." I explain.

It takes a bit for him to reply. "Fine. But come in through the back door its unlocked and leads into the training room." He finally replies.

"Okay, on my way." I state leaving my home and flying off.

I arrive at the house and see him on the floor. I push open the door. "Shoto." I get his attention. "Where is endeavor?"

"Upstairs." He answers. "I don't know if he's sleeping or not."

"Let's get you out of here." I grab him and start heading to the school.

When we arrive, bad news, recovery girl is no where on campus.

"Shit." I mumble to myself. I look down at Shoto and see hes passed out. The ice starting to melt off his leg. "What should I do?"

"What's going on?" He asks, surprising me.

"Uh recovery girl isn't here." I answer.

"What now?" He asks.

"We run away." I answer. "There's no way I'm going to let you go back to Endeavors place. And I'll be introuble for being with a minor anyways so we just run."

"Run away?" He looks confused.

"Yeah." I answer and then head straight to my place.

We arrive at my place. I place him on the couch. "Try to see if I have any burn relief left in my bathroom. Grab as much as my clothes as you can that will fit you. We leave immediately." I tell him.

He nods and starts to limp towards the bathroom. I run to my room and grab a suitcase.

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