Chapter 1- The Boy

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Draco woke from the house he called home. The sun hadn't yet risen fully, and the moon was still visible from the window in his dark room. He flopped back down onto his bed, still tired from the night's sleep.
"Draco, come get some food," shouted his mother, Narcissa.
Draco stood up immediately before walking into the bathroom. He looked into the mirror and saw his familiar, recognizable face.
Draco had slightly long, straight, platinum blonde hair, yet dark eyebrows. His eyes were dark too, and his body was skinny and average height.
Draco hated being average. It was one of his worst fears. He wanted to be great.
He fixed his hair quickly, geling it back with hair gel, and walked downstairs, remaining in the clothes he had slept in.
As he walked downstairs, he smelled that familiar scent of eggs. Ugh, he thought. Eggs again. It was always eggs.
Draco sat at the big dinner table, his father, Lucuis, already seated.
Lucuis had long, platinum blonde hair, much longer than Draco's. Lucius wore a frown most times, looking quite angry.
"You're late, Draco. Malfoy's are never late."
Draco took a bite into his flavorless egg and scoffed under his breath. His father was always using their last name against him. Malfoy.
They'd come from a line of famous wizards. Draco's eleventh birthday was tomorrow, meaning his Hogwarts letter should arrive tomorrow. Thinking about it made his stomach churn. Maybe the letter wouldn't come, he hoped.
"Sorry, Father." Draco said, afraid of what might happen if he didn't apologize.
Narcissa sat down at the table, clearly forcing a smile. She did not have a plate, but instead a little mug, filled with tea.
Narcissa was a pretty woman. She had long, dark hair with bangs, and platinum blonde underneath the dark locks, almost as a tribute to her blonde family. She was slim, and often wore her signature red lipstick, with an almost evil looking smile.
The family finished their breakfast in mostly silence, besides a few remarks made by Narcissa, and Draco went back up to his room upstairs.
Though the Malfoy's house was large, with many extra unused rooms, Draco still got a fairly small room, that he had since he was just a baby.
His room was quite bleak and normal, yet his mother and father had added many green and snake like items to decorate the room, a tribute to their Hogwarts house, slytherin.
Draco sat down on his bed with the dark green comforter, staring out the window. The sky was gray, and he knew it would start raining soon. Draco liked the rain. He pulled out his notebook and started to write. He wrote, and wrote, and wrote, until his hand hurt. He wrote about everything. How he felt. What he expected. Where he wanted to be.
The day was normal as usual. His parents mostly ignored him, though they gave him a few chores and tips about Hogwarts.
And the next day was the same, as well. He had eggs for breakfast, wrote in his notebook, and worried about going to Hogwarts. His heart seemed to skip a beat each time he thought about Hogwarts, especially getting sorted. If he wasn't sorted into slytherin, he would be a 'disappointment to the Malfoy family'.
He must show the sorting hat that he is a slytherin. No matter what was in his heart. He was a Malfoy, therefore he must be a slytherin. Draco took a deep breath, and drifted off to sleep, wondering what the next day, his eleventh birthday, might bring him.
There he awoke to the sound of his parents fighting. His parents didn't fight often, but when they did, it was usually about Draco. The boy sat up and rubbed his eyes, peeking over at the clock next to his bed, and it was morning. He stood, and smiled knowing that it was his special day. But when he remembered that today was the day he was supposed to receive his invite to Hogwarts, he was hit with a wave of nausea.
Draco went into the bathroom to complete his morning routine. He noticed his hands were shaky, and he was sweatier today than normal.
He slicked his light hair back with his familiar gel and comb, and tried practicing his 'evil' smirk that his father had been trying to teach him. The small boy looked into the mirror, almost not recognizing himself, the smirk changing the appearance of his entire face.
The boy felt tears sting his eyes, as he quickly blinked them back into his eyes. He lightly massaged the corners, as if massaging the tears back in.
Draco walked back into his room, and pulled on a black dress shirt and pants, smelling the eggs from the downstairs kitchen. He slipped out of his room, gently pulling the door closed behind him, and walked down the big corridor towards the winding stairs.
    As he walked down the stairs, he peered over the edge of the railing, seeing his father standing at the bottom of the stairs. with his hands folded behind his back. Draco's heart skipped a beat as he wondered what he'd done.
    Lucuius wore his long, blonde hair down as usual, and had a monochrome black suit on, which complimented his hair. He stood on the green circle area carpet that the family had for generations. Lucuius often used this carpet as a talking point when guests came over.
    As Draco reached the bottom of the long, windy staircase, he was relieved to see that his father was not angry; rather a small smile was plastered across his face.
    "The day we've been waiting for," Lucius said, pacing around the entryway to their beautiful home.
    Draco smiled, expecting a nice 'happy birthday' or 'another year older'. Instead, his father stopped pacing and came face to face with the young boy.
    Lucius brought his hands out from behind his back, revealing an off-white colored envelope. Draco knew what this was. His smile faded.
    "Congratulations, Draco," his father said, handing him the neatly sealed envelope.
    Draco inspected the envelope, with its calligraphic handwriting and red wax seal with the Hogwarts emblem, holding the envelope shut.
    The front of the envelope read Draco's full name, their address, and the return address for the school.
    Draco nervously yet carefully peeled apart the red wax seal, and lifted up the flap of the envelope.
    He gingerly removed the letter from the envelope and started to read.
"Mr. Draco Malfoy,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school for Witchcraft and Wizardry."
That's all he really needed to read, as he knew the process of everything that must be done.
Draco looked up at his father, and smiled slightly.
"Well done, son." Lucius said, lightly patting him on the shoulder after walking up the long flight of stairs.
The boy stood for quite a moment, letting everything sink in.
He would be going to Hogwarts. He would be studying magic.
And he'd have to do it all in his parents' footsteps.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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