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HEY IM BACK!!!!!! sorry i havent updated this story school started on shuichis birthday so yeah im gonna be off for a week due to being a little ill so i will try and upload some chapters of this story while planning the next chapter of my celestgiri story

Im really tired its 1:18am where i am while writing this so thats not good but uve been drawring so

Im really tired its 1:18am where i am while writing this so thats not good but uve been drawring so

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A junko

A kaede

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A kaede

Pinkified Mukuro (SPOILER AHEAD)

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Pinkified Mukuro (SPOILER AHEAD)

And the shot put ball that made rantaro fly up to the heavens

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And the shot put ball that made rantaro fly up to the heavens

Yeah so they is the drawrings..... they arent good but i love them (the kaedes a bit dodgy) i should prolly sleep with it being 22 past 1 😂😂

Gn love you all

And dont forget


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