A Kidnapping

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"One more Levi, please?!"

"You have had 7 shots, Thunder, I know you can hold your own but how are you still fucking sober!? This is a testament against the Stars and I'm not standing for it longer." Levi stated, cleaning her glass angrily.

"Noooo! I don't even have a buzz yet, pleeeeeease!?" You begged, an empty shot glass in your hand.

"No! Now I know why no one enters drinking contests with Justices, you're all from the depths of hell!"

"Just one more!" You needed at least a decent buzz! For stars sake!

"You are scaring the customers! Even the braves are giving you side glances!" You glanced over to a few braves who raised their glasses to you. You winced, poor guys couldn't drink alcohol. They'd been banned after the last fire breathing accident.

"They are looking at your yelling not my being sober!"

"Say what you like Thunder! You are not getting another drop from me! If I knew you were going to drink me dry I would've denied you shots ago!"

"Ladies-" You both ignored the new voice.

"Levi I need at least a buzz for what I'm bout to do! Come on help me out here!"

"I'm not going to feed the devil!"

"Ladies please-"

"Stop being so overdramatic!"

"This is not overdramatic!" Levi had lost her glass and was now facing you directly.


"What?!" You both turned to the newcomer, fire raging inside you both. There stood Ivan, with a placating smile.

"Let's calm down please. Here Halcyon." He set his own mug before you, filled with apple juice. You let out a sigh but accepted it anyways, drinking it dry in one go.

"This'll have to fucking do. Allow me to introduce you two." You turned to Levi, motioning to the steaming Integrity. "This is Leviathan, but I just call her Levi. Levi this is Giant."

"Titan actually."

"Really? Now I'm even more surprised you didn't dash me straight into the ground. Flame Titans are no joke." Ivan shrugged, sheepish.

"You're rather formidable in the battle field. And fairly scary." He said the last part quietly, but you laughed loudly at it anyways.

"It's great to see you again man!" You exclaimed, patting him on the back. He surged forward under your strength, his smile widening at how open you were at the moment. If you were honest it's because currently you had no fucks to give.

"Same! I'm glad you made it out. Actually, if you're not busy do you want to go hang out? I want to know how you did those moves! I haven't seen anyone that skilled with a sword in ages!" Ivan asked, happiness tangent in his voice.

"Now that's a laugh, I'm nothing special."

"That's not true now is it?" You blushed under his praise.

"Well even if I was as great as you say I'm actually going to be busy this afternoon." You're face soured at your reminder and you went to drink from the mug again to find it empty. Levi sighed unhappily but refilled your shot making you grin.

"You're the best Levi!" Downing it in one go, making your audience wince, you slammed it down on the bar, standing up. "I'm off to run the gauntlet, wish me luck."

"Don't come back here daemon."

"Good luck Halcyon!"

The door closed behind you, your laughter ringing through the bar, mixing with the laughter of the other patrons as the main entertainment left.

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