Trial of Kindness

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You blinked, your golden eyes narrowed and sharp.

Breathe in.

It was raining.

You swing your sword in a half arc, cutting a few people in half. Their screams echoed through the cries of the humans.

Breathe out.

Clouds hung heavy in the air.

You were pushed into a corner by a minotaur, your sword clashing with his spear. You gritted your teeth as you stared into his purple eyes, your own holding an unforgiving curse. You let up, ducking under his arms, before spinning on your heel and stabbing him through.

Breathe in.

A rumble echoed through the stadium.

You kicked off of him, using his body to increase the momentum of your sword. It swung in a wide arc, killing anyone that might've been beside you. With a quick glance behind you you noticed a large tiger leaping, claws outstretched for your scarred face. Your sword swung and cleaved him clean in half. Blood sprayed across you and painted the field red.

Breathe out.

The rain fell.

You jumped forward, soaring upwards. With a quick thrust you dug your sword through a woman, pinning her to the ground through her abdomen. She gasped softly, before the light died from her eyes. You were quickly attacked from behind, a large sword stuck through your side. A close call. Yanking yourself off the sword you struck with your tails, sticking them through your attacker and pulling him apart from the inside out.

Breathe in.

A flash.

Now without your sword you began to be surrounded. Apparently a pact had been made, take the most dangerous one out first. That just happened to be you. You fought tooth and nail, your tails whipping back and forth, fists flying, blue arcing across your marked fingers before hitting their mark. You fried another Exorian, their cries drowned by the cries of the humans. Your fighting became an intricate dance. Ducking and jumping and twisting.

Breathe out.

Rain fell harder.

You slowed down, feigning exhaustion. As expected they all surged inwards, and for a second you disappeared. Then your wings expanded and you spun, twirling like a dancer. Feathers glittered in their eyes, sparkling off of you and turning your focus into one of determination. Ribbons flew around you, the sounds of tearing and screaming creating a hauntingly terrifying song. Then it stopped. Everything stopped. The music, the fighting. You. When you stopped your audience screamed gleefully, the rose red of blood fell at your feet. Your chest heaved as you staggered forwards, taking a knee as your hand clung to your injured side. The uncomfortable heat of lights and stares shone on you as you slowly stood back up. Then the crowd shouted for an encore. Encore. ENCORE.

Breathe in.

Another rumble, louder this time.

Turning slowly, your eyes landed on a child. He was brutally mangled, his legs twisted beyond reason and an eye completely gone. He was bawling. You stalked closer to him, his cries echoing through the silent auditorium. You kneeled beside his form, shushing him and holding him close to your chest.

Breathe out.

The noise was deafening.

"It'll be over in soon, my dear. You will rest."

Breath in.

Lightning struck.

Breath out.

"Tell everyone I said hello. Good night little one."

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