The Exodus

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Joe makes it out with friends on a fateful Sunday evening, after fun at song rehearsals, Mary, a beautiful tall and classy young lady in her early twenties was already having a crush on his very blistering singing abilities. She could not help but admire his personality and most enticing to Mary was his muscular builds not mentioning his six packed to my as that of a most successful sports person, these things mad e Mary keep on dreaming of ways and chances she could device so as to pass advances at him.
It was on this fateful Sunday evening Mary took her first step at approaching Joe. "I fancy you a lot she said" Joe being a no lady guy Joe was so furious at her passes that he rained abuses and curses on her.
Mary not wanting to be waned by his egocentric reply and attitudes towards her came back more subtle, pleading with his spirit with all the feminine charms within her disposal. Mary being so good at her game played all the right cards. Her Beauty, curves, cleavage, her eyes and very killing and crippling body languages.

Joe, oh!! Joe!! Have himself already basque in the euphoria of her charms.

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