The hospital bed isn't that comfortable

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Hoping the person in the room didnt hear or see you, you kept walking to your destination but soon got lost. The sun was going to rise soon and the school would open so you needed to act fast. You decided to head back to the med bay as your feet were getting tired and you were pretty lost without a guide other then some posted signs here and there. Luckily, you did find the med bay again and sat back down on the bed.

You groaned and layed down sprawling your arms out on the bed flattening your wings against your arms. You closed your eyes giving them a rest but not falling asleep, your nerves were to high to be able to sleep. Sitting up you sat where the pillow is and pulled your legs to your chest, laying your head on your arms. You contemplated what could happen, would someone find you? If they did what would they do? Scream, run, help? You didnt know and you hated that.

Sighing you heard small chatter and whispers outside. You questioned this of course but didnt dare move in case they heard you.
The door opened but you stayed still "is it dead?" A whisper came from the door."I dont think so?" Another one said.

Another voice rang out "hey! What are you kids doing up so late on campus. You know that's against the rules". The kids seemed to mumble I'm sorry's and other things that you vouldnt quite hear because you decided to activate your second quirk. That's right, you have another quirk. Not useful in the hero business but it numbs out sounds and puts the person touched into sleep, or the user. It forces the person to fall asleep no matter what but you have to touch said person for a period of time, usually 40 seconds. The only thing is that a  light glow illuminates aro uh and the persons body when the quirk has been activated on them, usually a cool teal color.

Anyways, you activated the quirk and slowly fell into a nice slumber. The last things heard where just mumbles of people then.

Silence and sleep.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 week later^^^^
(Yes you slept for one week, I know some of y'alls fucked up sleep schedules. GO TO BED.)

You awoke to beeping, the sound of machines whirring, and the smell of hospital (Its nasty). Your eyes flickered open and the blinding hospital lights greeted you not very nicely. You groaned at this and tried to sit up, quickly realizing everything from your head down felt numb as fuck and you couldnt move a muscle. But luckily, you slowly regained movement starting from your fingers, to arms, to torso and legs, then feet.

You rubbed your eyes trying to regain memory when it all hit you like a 8 wheeled semi truck. You assumed they saw how bad your condition was and brought you to the hospital but it didnt seem like a hospital. More like a make-shift hospital. A room thrown together. It didnt have a divider separating other hospital "rooms". Instead it had walls and a door. Everything else was hospital normal, a chair and small table, the bed and wires connecting to computers and other medical equipment.

The sound of footsteps walking closer could be heard before muttering and more footsteps followed. "I'm sure he's still sound asleep Kirishima I dont even know why you had to drag me along" a very grumpy male complained. "aw come on man! dont be like that, besides you never know he could be awake!" a more uplifting guy could be heard as the door swung open you moved your head to see a red spikey haired male and a blonde spikey haired guy with him. They both gasped and froze that you were awake before the red haired ran out the door and could be heard yelling. The blonde guy turned back to you after his friend ran off, you smiled slightly as best you could and lifted your hand waving softly.

The blonde guy just scoffed and turned to the door too see where his friend ran off to. Soon more pairs of feet could be heard rushing through the hallway as chatter echoed off the walls. People barged into the room startling the blonde guy and making him stumble but he quickly got back to his feet. You were of course shocked by how many people were in front of you, many shapes, sizes, colors, etc.. but none were your husband. A gloomy look now spread across your face seeing how he wasn't there, maybe he left U.A.? but why would he leave U.A? Questions spun in your mind all while the group was yelling random things at you, nothing could be heard except screaming and your sensitive ears couldn't take it. You cupped your hands over your ears trying to block out the shouting coming from them. also shutting your eyes to tone down your senses and get back to normal.

The screaming started to calm down before the room eventually fell silent and you opened your eyes, turning to see the group but instead a figure. A man. The one and only.

your husband.

(((YAAAY!!! another cliffhanger!!!! WOOOOO. sorry this took awhile to get out I honestly have no idea how to continue this so please put some ideas in the comments if you have any! Thank you all for your patience and for actually reading this awful book. Anyways! hope you have a good day or night)))

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