The hospital bed still isn't comfortable

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Eyes locked onto each other you were of course shocked, and so was he. The next thing is pretty obvious and you hugged, both of you starting to tear up and start to cry. "I knew you weren't dead" he whispered in your ear which made you shudder but you didn't mind. His big arms wrapped around your big, but smaller then him, figure. You unconsciously wrapped your wings around you two and cocooned yourselves from the others, having a moment of holding each other in each other's grasps. With your wings you pushed him onto the bed with you, both of you still hugging and holding each other. The smell of him calmed your nerves and helped stop your tears that were streaming down your face. "I missed you so much" you whispered back into his ear. He then moved and kissed you, giving in you kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing his head further into the kiss.

Separating for air you took a good look at his face. His hair seemed longer, his stubble was the same and so was the scar under his eye. Everything else about him was the same which made you chuckle. "what's so funny?" he asked as he looked back at you. "your the same as before Azi" you said going back into a hug, him of course hugging back. "well you look different, but your the same person on the inside" he answered back, you hummed in response burying your head into the crook of his neck and breathed in his scent. "you even smell the same, did you take a shower?" "yes I did and have been I'm not that nasty" his grip tightened on you. "Are you sure about that?" you teased him.

He scoffed a response. Still hugging him and not letting him out of your cocoon you stayed like this for awhile. Until one of the people before coughed grabbing both of yours attention and snapping you two back to reality. Aizawa let go and you unfolded your wings, turning to the people you also now looked at all of them. So many faces, they all looked bright, besides one grumpy looking fellow with blonde spikey hair. They all looked like they had a story to tell, all unique.

While looking at all of them your long lost husband explained to them that you were marked as missing years ago but didnt give up trying to find each other, and now from fate you somehow found yourself in U.A. and found each other.

But that wasn't the end...

of course it's not, after all

this is just the beginning of a story where it explains that the world isnt such a happy and cheerful place.

and you didnt come from one either...



holy moly I didnt expect this book to get so popular nor did I expect to get support. Thanks a lot guys it really means something that people actually like what I'm doing and are patient with me.

Well, this is where I have to figure out what happens next but you can always find a solution you just gotta look for it or itll come your way.

Thanks again for the support on this book. I am planning on possibly doing other books too as I'm not super into My Hero Academia as I am into other things. I mainly love doing short stories that take one or two chapters from a ton of different fandoms as I like a ton of different fandoms, so I might make a book of some drabbles I have.

Sometimes its specific characters, scenes, or just random ideas from 2 AM from my head. Usually involving y/n as the main person as trying to embody myself in a character and make it about them is hard to understand personally, unless it's an OC.

(I also might do some NSFW, in that case it will most likely be x Male and characters will be aged up if they are under 18 )

anyways! thanks again, I'll stop ranting now and hopefully I'll see you in a hopefully upcoming chapter!


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