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I tried to find a good picture of Ciel and Alois as adults, but I couldn't find anything and I can't draw to sve my life. Alois is my favorite character so his grown up picture is on the side. Hope you like this chapter!


November 12th 2014

“I’m home!” Olive yelled as she walked through the back door and set her multiple shopping bags on the bar.

Alois looked up from his papers on the bar and smiled, “back from town already?”

She rolled her eyes and sat down next to him, “I hate going; Obnoxious people shoving their way through stores like a stampede of elephants.I stood in a line for 45 minutes because my clothes keep getting ruined and I don't know..." she frowned when she saw his outfit. “Are you wearing my jeans new jeans!?”  

He shyly rubbed the back of his neck, “yea, I forgot to do laundry…" 

"No wonder my clothes keep getting ruined." She reached up, took off Alois fake glasses and put them on, “so, these are just for show?” She smiled. 

“Hey give those back; they make me feel smart!” He laughed.

She stuck her tongue out at him and smiled, "Where is everyone?” The so-called fifteen year old asked.

“Sebastians in the study, Renzais out in the garden, Calvins outside somewhere and I think Ciel went out.”

“Ciel went out? That’s surprising.” 

A crash of thunder shook the house, startling the two of them. “It wasn’t supposed to rain until later tonight.” Alois got up and looked out the window, “that was quick, it’s already pouring and the sky’s black.”

The back door flew open and Renzai walked in with Calvin, “that came out of nowhere.” She smiled at Olive and Alois; Calvin closing the door behind him.

“I’m going to change out of these wet clothes,” Calvin pushed his way past Alois, Olive and Sebastian who had joined the group. He mumbled a hello before going upstairs.

“Someones in a bad mood,” Alois muttered.

“Hi dad!” Olive smiled and gave Sebastian a hug. Lightning flashed and the door flew open again; Ciel running through, not bothering to close it. He shoved Olive and Alois into the doorframe and rushed upstairs to his room.“What on earth was that about?”

Calvin sat on the highest branch of a tall oak tree and stared at the hills in front of him; decorated with the red and orange colors of fall. This was his place; where he’d go if he’d had a bad day or just wanted to get out of the house. Lately, no matter how much time he took to clear his mind, something was always nagging at him, he just couldn’t figure out what. Maybe it was because of what Sebastian had said to Renzai the day he’d picked out his glasses.

“I can’t do it, I can’t look at him! All these years I tried to ignore it, and for a while it worked, but now I don’t know if I can handle it anymore.”

“How can you say such horrible things? He is your son and he loves you, why is it so hard for you to love him? You treat him like he’s some sort of monster.”

“You think I don’t know that; you think I haven’t tried to make things better? I don’t know how much longer I can put up with this Renzai; it may be easy for you, but I can’t even look him in the eyes without thinking about that night!”

He’d never heard his dad raise his voice to his mother. He remembered Sebastian had left the house that night and didn’t come back until one in the morning. Calvin stayed up with his mother all night taking care of her. Making her tea and letting her cry on his shoulder.

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