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Sebastian and Renzai stood face to face with Claude, Luka and Calvin; one waiting for the other to make the first move. Claude’s gold eyes piercing into Sebastian’s fiery gaze. “Go,” he said without breaking eye contact with Sebastian; Luka sprang forward and attacked Renzai.  Putting all of his faith into his wife, Sebastian decided to go after Claude; Calvin watching the scene play out in front of him.
“It looks like mister mom here has forgotten how to fight!” Claude said, landing a kick in Sebastian’s ribs.

“Shut up!” Sebastian shouted and punched Claude in the face, breaking his glasses. He stumbled backwards, giving Sebastian the perfect opportunity to force him onto the ground. He sat on his chest to keep him from moving, used one hand to hold both of Claude’s wrists in place and punched him over and over; his facial expression unmoving.

“You can hurt me as much as you want, but can you bring yourself to hurt him?” Before Sebastian could answer, Calvin jumped onto his shoulders, forcing him back away from Claude. 

Raising the dagger Claude had given him earlier, Calvin aimed the blade at Sebastian’s throat. I don’t want to hurt him, but I’m not going to be killed! Sebastian forced his way out of Calvin’s grip and tried to kick the blade out of his hand; instead, he kicked him in the neck.
The attack not fazing him at all, Calvin tried for Sebastian’s stomach, this time he sunk the blade through his midsection, jerked it up before ripping it back out. He gasped and pressed his palm over the gaping wound; it hurt like hell, but wasn’t life threatening for someone like him. If I could just knock him unconscious… he charged toward Calvin; before he could stab Sebastian again, he was picked up and thrown into the same tree that was used to hurt Olive.

Except for the small cut on his right cheek, Calvin was again, unfazed. He kept eye contact while licking away the blood running down his face. Sebastian heard Renzai scream; he turned toward her; the distraction giving Calvin the chance to knock Sebastian onto his back. He kept the handle of the blade locked in his mouth while holding Sebastian’s arms in place.

“Let me go, Calvin!” He tried twisting his body, but the wound in his stomach was making it impossible to get away. Pressure was put on his neck; Claude had his foot pressed on his throat. Renzai was limp in his arms; Luka had Olive and Alois slung over his shoulders.

“You’re pathetic,” Claude said, putting more pressure on his throat.
Calvin released one of Sebastian’s arms and pulled the dagger out of his mouth; instead of trying to stop Calvin, Sebastian tried to pry Claude’s foot off of him. Calvin leaned in close to Sebastian to where he couldn’t avoid eye contact. Gold orbs staring blankly down at him.

“Die,” Calvin whispered and stabbed Sebastian just under his ribcage, Claude stomping on his throat at the same time.
Renzai’s eyes fluttered open and stared into a very unfamiliar environment. She was in a small dark room that smelled like must, water dripping from the ceiling and strange plants were growing out of the cracks in the floor. She tried to move her arms, but realized they had been chained to the wall; her feet were pulled together and chained; looking like she was being crucified.

“Ah, my precious kitten is finally awake,” Claude’s voice came from in front of her. She slowly raised her head and looked around the room. Alois was chained to the wall in the same position she was, Olive was next to him; both were still unconscious. Claude was sitting in front of her in a chair that wasn’t made for a place like this. A deep red with gold lining, it stuck out like a sore thumb.

Calvin was sitting on his lap, his legs dangling over one of the armrests, his head nestled in the crook of Claude’s neck; his arms were wrapped protectively around Calvin. “Let him go;” Renzai leaned forward, trying to break the chains around her wrists when, what felt like a thousand needles pushed into her skin.

“You shouldn’t move around so much, those shackles are covered in tiny spikes; I wouldn’t want my Renzai to get hurt.”

“I don’t belong to you-you selfish beast!” She half whispered, half shouted.

Claude stood; picking Calvin up and placing him back into the chair. With an evil grin on his face, he crossed the room and got uncomfortably close to Renzai. “Aren’t we all selfish? I just want what rightfully belongs to me,” he grabbed her chin and licked her cheek. “My son, and a beautiful wife; does wanting my family make me a beast?”

Renzai jerked away from him, jostling the chains around her wrists, causing a sharp pain to radiate through her upper body. “You’re disgusting,” she growled. Alois made a moaning noise next to her and started moving his arms; hissing at the pain of the spikes breaking into his skin.

He slowly lifted his head and stared at everyone in the room, “where’s Luka?” he asked; his voice wavering.

Dammit I forgot about him! Renzai thought. That kid is a lot stronger than he looks, who knows what he’s been doing! 

“He’ll be here soon.” A loud thump and a grunt diverted Claude’s attention to Calvin, who’d fallen out of the chair.

“When does he get here; I want more;” his voice sounding raspy.

“You’ve turned him into a binge addict!” Renzai screamed and twisted in her restraints, the spikes slicing into her veins. “Alois, help me!”
Claude backed away from them, picked Calvin up off the floor and returned to the chair they had been sitting in; in the exact same position. Renzai and Alois continued to struggle against their chains; Olive was still passed out. With a smirk on his face, Claude watched their failed attempts at freedom.

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