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Kind of a boring chapter, know. And I'm pretty sure you know what's being implied at the end.


Sebastian grabbed Renzais shoulders while she finished putting the last of the dishes away, “we have a problem.”

Oh god, what is it this time; what more could possibly happen? 

“I saw Alois in the laundry room with Olive; he was holding her and almost kissed her.”

“What?!” she whipped around, her hair dusting across Sebastians face; causing him to sneeze. “What exactly did you see?” As much as she cared about Alois, he wasn’t someone she wanted Olive to get into a romantic relationship with.

Sebastian pressed Renzai against the wall and got as close to her as possible; resting his forehead against hers. “They were like this when I walked in.”

 She pushed him away, “we need to stop this before it starts. I care about him, but he’s still a pervert; time can’t change that.” Renzai thought back to her first trip over to his manor; the tone he used when they were in the garden and his hands running a little lower on her back than she was comfortable with.

“He’s a lustful person and does a terrible job of hiding it.” Whether Alois was planning to do such things with Olive or not, Sebastian decided to let his “fatherly instincts” take over and talk to Olive about the situation. “Let’s go.” Sebastian and Renzai walked into the living room right as Olive finished picking up the last few pieces of glass.

She smiled, “hi mom, hi dad. I just finished cleaning up; do you want me to do something about the windows too?”

“Not now; sit down, your father and I need to talk to you about something.”

Oh crap. Olive sat beside her mother, “what’s wrong?”

“We need to talk to you about Alois,” Sebastian said sternly.

She started pulling on the bottom of her shirt, “what about him?” She asked; playing innocent, though she knew Sebastian probably told Renzai about what he saw earlier and now they’re going to tell her to stay away from him.

“Your father told me about what he saw in the laundry room; Alois gets overtaken by his emotions easily so we were wondering, has Alois ever…err have the two of you-”

Olive blushed crimson, “are you asking if Alois and I have ever had sex?!”

Renzais cheeks turned pink just talking about the subject, “it doesn’t have to be that. Have the two of you ever done anything like that together?”

“Oh my god, this is so embarrassing,” Olives whole face was beat red.

“I’ll cut his popsicle off if he tries anything with you.”



“Look, Alois is a…sexual person and I’ve noticed him getting a little too close to you.”

“Dad, there isn’t anything going on between me and Alois; there never has been and there never will be!” …Maybe. The whole conversation had gotten Olive flustered.

Renzai sighed, “good.”

“Yea, considering his past; before he was Alois.”

Olive raised an eyebrow, “what do you mean?”

Renzai took this as her chance to go upstairs; she didn’t know a lot about Alois past, nor did she want to. Sebastian brought this up, he can explain it. 

He sighed, “you already know his real name isn’t Alois; it’s Jim; correct?”

She nodded, “yea, he said he was Jim the night Calvin attacked him.”

“Do you know why he changed his name?” She shook her head. “Because, after his brother was killed, he was taken to the head of the Trancy Estate with a group of other boys where he had sex with a disgusting man multiple times.”

“What?!” Olive scooted away from Sebastian; “he was forced to, right? Who would have sex with a disgusting old man willingly?!”

“Calm down; yes, it was against his will, but he started using sex as a way to get what he wanted. When the old man died, Alois made sure he was the new Earl Trancy. He changed his name; let everyone that was trapped in the manor free and made a deal with Claude during all of this.”

Olive crossed her arms, “so, what does this have to do with me; and why do you let him stay here?”

“He stays here because he rescued Ciel the night of the ball; they’re agreement was that Ciels debt would be repaid by having Alois live with him. As for what this has to do with you; I see the filthy looks he gives you all the time. He lives for no other reason, except to get what he wants and he will do anything to get it.”

Olive didn’t want to hear any more, she ran to her room, put her headphones in and blared Nightcore.
Giving her ears a break, Olive took out her headphones and focused on the ceiling. The floor creaking grabbed her attention; Alois was walking past her open bedroom door, in rubber duck pj pants, shirtless with a towel around his neck. She blushed, thinking about what her mother had said earlier. Of course we’ve never had sex, why would I? He’s not all that cute and…I mean…ugh! She’d been too caught up in trying to find things unattractive about Alois to realize she’d been staring at him.

He smiled, “hey.”

She blushed, “h…hi.”

He came inside; closing the door behind him and sat down on her bed, right next to her. “Sorry, I just got back from visiting Luka; his apartment smells horrible and I didn’t want that stink sinking into my skin.”

She giggled; “it’s ok.” You don’t have a crush on him. You don’t have a crush on him. Ignore it; ignore his shirtless self sitting on your bed. Just focus on his eyes; his bright blue eyes…No, stop it brain! I don’t have a crush on him! Whether her father’s story was true or not; staring into his eyes, Olive couldn’t help but wonder what twisted soul could hurt someone like him.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I don’t know what came over me, I just-” He couldn’t look at her; he stared at his arms resting in his lap. After a few moments of awkward silence, he finally looked up at her. “I understand if you don’t want to forgive me; I don’t know why, but these things just…happen.”

He stood up to leave, but Olive grabbed his arm and pulled him back down onto the bed, “I forgive you.” Alois stared into her jade eyes, took a deep breath and did something he knew he’d regret; he grabbed Olives shoulders and forced his lips onto hers.

Forcing every logical decision she could’ve made out of her head, Olive closed her eyes and kissed him back. I don’t care if he’s just using me, wanting to kiss someone, wants sex or if he actually likes me. I want him to do this. 

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