Chapter Two:

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        Candy's P.O.V

The whole kitchen is white, clean, and spotless. Not a single specof dirt nor dust, catching me by surprise. This dude has serious clean issues. . Like damn. . Even the voice in my head sounded un-comfortable and shocked. "Since I know how much you like kidney's. Last night I went out of my way to get fresh ones." A proud smirk layed on Seth's face. "Just for you." He cooed closely to my ear, giving me goosebumps. He didn't have to tell me though, I smelled them the second I walked in, just to distracted by all the 'white' in this room. Now the kidney's are in my mouth begging for mercy, but nope, I eat them all. Seth sighed, standing behind me, watching me over me. Stalker much? Wait. . He is a stalker. He bent down behind me and ran his pale fingers through my hair, then started to brush it, making it super soft to the touch. Since it was neraly dry, it wasn't so hard. "Candy, your making a mess." A white nappkin appeared in front of my face, I took it and cleaned up all the blood from the floor and off my face. "Now that your all cleaned and ready. We should go, we don't want to keep master waiting now do we?" 

"Where?" My voice was shaky and so are my hands. Go where? Bitch! I ain't going to bed with you! Those are the only thoughts running through my mind. Without thinking about my actions, I grabbed a large kitchen knife from the counter and pointed it at him. Seth didn't look surprised or scared, he held a blank expression, but with amusment shinning in his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere with you and never will I. All I want is to go home, away from you." He put his hand over his 'heart' and faked a hurt expression.

"That hurts. You woud me, saying 'Never' Don't you know your mine? And only mine, love." His fake hurt expression turned dead serious, even his tone sounded so determined. "You don't even have a home there. Your home is here with your family. Your real family, not some fake fanasty you created sweets." My heart dropped at those words, but then felt my blood boil in anger. Seth outstretched his hand towards me, and I quickly stabbed it, the blade going all the way through. He grunted and growled loudly when I roughly yanked out the knife. Then I pounced on him, sending us both to the floor, with me on top of him. I pressed the knife into his neck adding a lot of pressure and loveing the way his blue blood trickled down from the knife and from his neck. 

"This is not and never will be my home. I am not yours, that thought is very disturbing. And don't you dare talk to me about family! The creepypasta is the only family I have, and that's how it will always be. Get that through your skull!" I hiss at him, my voice souded harsh, making Seth flinch very slightly. He quickly composed himself and flipped us over to where he's ontop of me. He pinned my hands down above my hand with one of his hands, keeping me in place, and so that I wouldn't stab him again. Seth leaned in close to my neck about to bite me. My eye's widen in fear, if he bites me, thats it. Thats a bond that can never be broken. I would be his, forever, against my own will. I closed my eye's tightly and tried to get out of his firm, tight grip. Right when he was about to bite me, he got thrown off of me. When I opened my eyes and looked up, Seth is being held up against the wall by tentacles, and Jeff had his knife to his throat. 

"Candy?" I looked up to find the source, but only to see a blur. My body is feeling weak and my mind feeling fuzzy. I closed my eyes, hoping to get rid of the head ache that is starting to occur. After a couple of seconds, or minutes, I was finally able to open my eyes. I looked up above me to see Charlie, my head in his lap. So badly I wish that I could say something but my body was being a rebel towards me. My mind prosted, yelling at my body to move, but didn't work, then felt nothing.

~Time skip because I'm awesome like that. (Not really cx) ~

I'm awake, I know that. So why isn't my body responding to my comands. I feel like an animal caged and locked away, forever to see the outside, but not being able to join. 

There was slight movement in the room, so I stopped trying to struggle, and listened to the point were my ears strained. "Is she awake?" The voice sounds gentle, maybe Charlie's? Not sure. . . I felt a cold, firm hand grab mine, careful not to add a lot of pressure. So, I now know I'm in a hospital bed. . . Again. . . Yay me -.- 

"She should wake up soon. Hopefully." This is a voice I reconize. Deep, and raspy, Jeff's voice. For some reason knowing Jeff is here I want to smile, I really do. "Charlie, don't touch her." His voice changed to were it sounds like a hiss a warning. 

"Excuse me?" Without even seeing I know that there glaring at each other. Wll this esculated quickly. You can just feel it, making me want to move away from all the tension. "I shouldn't touch her?!" Inwardly, I flinched. Harsh much. . . Charlie sure can raise his voice. . .

"You don't deserve her. Not one bit." Jeff voice sounds venoumous, I can only imagine what he looks like. But whats going on? Damn it ! Body move!

"Like your one to talk." This is going to be a fight. . 

"At least I didn't cheat on her. Next time you decide to make out with BEN make sure your fucking single you dead prick!" Wait. . . Yaoi!? I missed fucking yaoi?? In real life! NO! Fuck. . After a couple of minutes filled with awkward tension, the door slammed open. 

"Shut up now. Or I will make both of you regret it." Flo-chan!! My hand twitched at the sound of her voice. "Everyone could hear you voice all the way from the living room." I felt the bed dip as some one sat down next to me. 

"Hope Candy wakes up in a happy mood. . " Sally's little voice sounded distance. A small tear slid down my face. I wanna hold her!. . Cold, small fingers touched my pentagram necklace that sat on my chest, then harshly got yanked off. Energy shot through my body like electricity making me sit upright and my eyes snap open. Sally sat beside me with a shock expression on her face holding my necklace tightly in her grip. Slowly I smiled and opened my arms for her. She jumped in them and hugged me tightly. "Do you want your necklace back?"

I shook my head no, and saw a sall dark blue dragon try to sneak its way inside. "Liz~" I whined, her little head shot up in my direction and than pounced on me, licking my face causing me to giggle. Some one in the room cleared their throat catching my attention. I looked up and saw that everyone is the room with us, and all the attention on me. 

"Slendy told us." My eyebrow rose in confusion. "About you, everything." Masky's voice was soft, trying to comfort me in some way. I looked around the room, everyone that didn't have a mask on held sympathy in their eyes, or a hurt expression. The rest standing stiff as a statue. "We want to know if its true. .  Is it?" I looked towards Jeff, he held is head low. I looked down, not really able to look them in the face and softly nodded my head yes. 

~Sorry this update is so late. A lot of stuff happened and I just ouldn't think much, but the next chapter is longer than my usual ones. So yay! Please vote and comment!~

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