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John apparently was teleported to spawn. He found himself is a tight circle with hundreds of ppl crowding around him, John thought "Lol prob ppl spawn killing us noobs, I shall observe I Guess" he look around the circle, apparently it was a safe zone, prob restricting ppl from using their power,and anything out of a safe zone was a nothingness. "someone destroyed the outskirts of the safe zone,this is going to be hard, urgh spawn killing, but at least I know that anyone that gets out of the circle is definitely smart." There was also many players flying around the safe zone, obv waiting for noobs to get out, some noobs fell to their dooms while others were pushed out of the circle.some where "hero" like and charged outside safe zone, only to be swiftly killed. John thought,"What's idiots, I cant believe that people are that stupid."John tried to stay in the inner circle but there were many people who fought in the middle.John look at the machine kami gave him, there was a keyboard which he could input words, one big text box for him to input his power, two small text box to prob have some side effects on the power, there was also the anam cost. John thought," might as well experiment" suddenly, someone grabbed his shoulder, "want to team up?" Asked the guy. John ignored him, the guy walked away. John knew that the guy would prob take advantage of him or is a noob and only anime idiots would team up. John looked around and saw many big guys were preying on the noobs, asking them to team up, the noobs said yes. John was flabbergasted, he was really living in a world of idiots.

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