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Jayden POV

"Okay Jayden, let's take one last selfie," Xania said with my phone in her hands. I bent down to her level, smiled and she took the selfie. "Done. Here," she handed me back my phone. I hate to admit it but Xania has kinda grew on me this entire trip in Paris. She's like my little friend and her brother, not so much. We're just strangers who happened to not like each other.

Its our last day in Paris and tomorrow morning, we're going back to America. Right now we just came out of this fancy museum which I always forget its name but there's the Mona Lisa inside. The place was really cool.

I turned to my left and I saw dad and that BeYoNcE walking hand in hand. They kissed which revolted me.

"You guys can stop with the kissing. People are looking and its disgusting," I spoke up and dad looked at me then he sucked his teeth.

"Can't I show my woman some love? For goodness sake, we're in Paris 'the city of love' so kissing her ain't illegal," he casually said and I rolled my eyes.

I felt someone slightly pulling my hand. I looked down and I saw that it was Xania. "Don't worry, I also find it disgusting too," she said and I slightly chuckled. "Imma go break them up," she said and she walked away. I watched as she dragged dad away so that they can take pictures together, leaving Beyonce walking alone.

As we continued walking I noticed Beyonce from the corner of my eye starting to fan herself.

"Its not hot," I said to myself. It was kinda chilly out and I didn't see how she could possibly be feeling hot.

Should I go and ask her what's the problem? Nah, she's probably fine. She can handle herself.

We continued walking and that's when I noticed her taking off her jacket and continuing to fan herself. What's up with this woman? Is she on drugs or something?

I walked closer to her. "Are you on heroin?" I asked her.

"No. I don't do drugs," she said looking at me.

I arched my eyebrow as I looked at her up and down. "If that's the case then why are you displaying withdrawal symptoms?"

She sighed. "I ain't on drugs okay? Its just hot flashes that's all," she said still fanning herself.

"You do know that hot flashes are one of the signs of menopause."

She chuckled. "I'm thirty-four years old. Menopause is years away," she said.

I looked at her and she was starting to sweat.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Xania said looking at Beyonce.

"Yah ma, you don't look too good," Jared said.

Dad jogged to her and stood next to her as she came to a complete halt. She really looked like she was feeling really dizzy.

"I'm...feeling...re-really hot," Beyonce breathlessly said as she grabbed dad's shirt with one hand. Her eyes rolled to the back, closing her eyes shut as she passed out. Lucky for her dad caught her just in time.

"Open your eyes Bey," dad said slightly tapping her cheek but she wasn't responding.

I called the driver to pick us up and he was there in five minutes.

I was kinda starting to freak out because Beyonce was unconscious all the way to the hotel. What became more alarming was that they had to call a doctor for her.

"Okay Monsieur Carter, your girlfriend is going to be fine. She just needs to rest for now and when she wakes up make sure to give her plenty of water. With her current condition, her body generates extra heat so please make sure she has a bottle of water nearby," I heard the doctor as dad led him out of our hotel room.

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