He can't gain weight.
I'll bet he has 3 nipples
nine toes
a bald spot
a vaginaThat he kills stray cats
roasts them on the spit
in his bedroomI'll bet his parents are
ex-rocker/biker dykesThat he grew up
not remembering how he got
the skull-shaped
scarsーone on each
testicleThat his voice box
was jacked off
a dreamerHe's a republican
a stand-up
a fraudI'll bet his hair
is dyedThat his contacts are
...contactsThat his simplicity is so
complexーit flipsI'll bet he's vain
That he can't danceThat he's a tease
erーa fapper
A flirtA curse
That he's a not-gonna-happen
I'm-too-cool kidAnd an alcoholic
He'll beat me with
an ugly stickA rapist
I'll spend my life
prosecuting his bad
habitsーgreasing wheels for
viruses, and selfish, dull
childrenI'll consume myselfー
Imploding into a
panting dogLustful
smirkingInfinite hair follicles
two nipples
the proper appendage
20/20 visionUnable to gain weight.
He'll still be
one of a kind.Nadia Kent, age 16