Chapter 3: Persephone

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   15 years after her birth, Persephone was relaxing with some nymphs in one of her mother's fields. Demeter was a very overprotective parent, and never let her go anywhere unaccompanied. Persephone was growing up and was getting tired of it. Sure she loved her mother, but this was a bit much. The only time she was truly happy was when she was alone, which she rarely was. Today was one of those rare occasions. Persephone smiled as she breathed in the sweet aroma of her flowers. Growing bored, she decided to grow another flower. She closed her stormy grey eyes and concentrated hard on the shape and color of the new flower. Opening her eyes, she saw a beautiful golden rose with red tips.

 Opening her eyes, she saw a beautiful golden rose with red tips

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'Beautiful' she thought, wondering about it's color. Why would she grow a flower symbolizing falling in love? She didn't get to finish that thought, for Persephone heard her mother coming. Quickly, Persephone willed the rose to die, and replaced it with a yellow Freesia.

 Demeter approached her and gave Persephone a hug. "Hello my sweet κόρη, how has your day been?" Demeter asked. "My day has been pleasant mother, I grew some flowers and talked with the nymphs." Persephone responded, purposely leaving out the part about the rose, knowing that would displease her. "Very good my dear. Come along now Persephone, it is time to go home.

As Persephone lied awake on her bed, she asked herself 'Why did I grow that flower? Was it completely random, or did it mean something?' Persephone searched her mind for memories of her creating her flowers. She soon realized that each flower she created had something to do with her circumstances. When she was a toddler, she always grew Lilies and Daisies, flowers that symbolized innocence and purity. As she got older, her flowers meant things like happiness and fun, mostly growing pink and yellow tulips. Now that she grew this, she wondered what The Fates had in store for her. Eventually she grew tired and fell into a deep slumber. 

Hi! Please remember that this is not the original myth, I have changed it up a bit. And no, κόρη is not one of her names. It is the Greek word for daughter and is pronounced kóri.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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