How did you enjoy

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Mom~How did you enjoy camp

Nicole~It was fun I made a bunch of new friends

Mom~Glad to here that


Mom~Well you have school tomorrow yes I know on a Friday


Next day~Nicole~Pov~I woke up brushed my teeth and took a shower my hair was very wet soon as I got out the shower I heard Mattia go out the door I don't think he knew I was back home~

My outfit~

I had my room window open as the cold breeze went on my legs and blew against my hair I was nervous I had done my hair and makeup I got my things and went out the door~

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I had my room window open as the cold breeze went on my legs and blew against my hair I was nervous I had done my hair and makeup I got my things and went out the door~

AT SCHOOL~I was in the school parking lot walking up to the school I was so nervous I walked a bunch of people looked at me I went in my class the teacher took attendance and said my name the whole class looked at me I just wanted to say turn back around my gosh Katie sat next to me we did our work didn't talk but once that was just a hey I met this girl at camp and she was in all my periods expect first

Second period~I sat by my friend my camp she was super sweet and helpful she understood my problems

Lunchtime~I sat by Madison and Janie

Lunchtime~I sat by Madison and Janie

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AFTER LUNCH~I went into the bathroom  Laura,Rosila,Winter Madison and I were in the bathroom I just ignore them they didn't say hi~ 

~AFTER SCHOOL~Madison and Janie was coming over my house(Lets just pretend its December even tho she was in a coma for 6 months)The school football game was happening today but I didn't wanna go I also invited Lola and Grace over we watched tiktoks and things and one hour later Mattia and his friends came I thought why are they so loud and why are there so me girls I closed my door

~The next day~Nicole~The next day I opened my windows to get air I felt the cold breeze on my bare legs and my bare arms Vinnie my ex was my neighbor I haven't seen him in so long I went on the roof by my window I was home alone it was 7:30 in the morning I just looked at he clouds until I saw Vinnie it on his roof by his window he was just chilling then he said something to me.I had my coffee in my hand

Vinnie~Good Morning


Vinnie~Wow I haven't heard that voice in a while

Nicole~Same with your voice

Vinnie~Anybody your dating

Nicole~No I'm trying to worry ab my self.

Vinnie~Well I've been dating Lauren 

Nicole~Good for you well I gotta go now bye


Nicole~Pov~I didn't have to go the conversation was just weird I washed my hair and just let it air dry I was so glad we were on Christmas break my hair was dry so I put on my outfit because I was going to the store to get my friends things for Christmas 


At the mall~

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At the mall~

Nicole~Hmm Katie would love this gift

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