Looking for houses

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Nicole~Pov~Me and Alejandro were looking for houses we found one that we liked we went into the open house we were moving into the house I'm glad we found a house in a short amount of time~

The house~

~We started unpacking~

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~We started unpacking~

Ellie~Mommy is this our new home

Nicole~Yes sweetie wanna come see your new room


Ellie's Room~

Ellie~I like it

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Ellie~I like it

Alejandro~Glad you like it

Nicole~Well I'm going to leave you to play with your dolls


Nicole~I start my job tomorrow at the doctors office

Alejandro~Great I start writing new plans for the business tomorrow

Nicole~Sounds great well I'm going to go put Ellie in the bed

Nicole~Ok Ellie time for bed Ellie

Ellie~Ok goodnight Mommy

At work~Nicole~Pov~I got dressed in my scrub Ellie's babysitter was here to babysit Ellie

Nicole~Bye Ellie!

Ellie~Bye mommy

Nicole~Bye sweetie


Babysiter~She was good

Nicole~Thank you sm


Babysitter~Bai sweetie!

Nicole~Wanna go to Chick- fil- a


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