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Authors Note🦋~Hey guys if you don't know a video of Mattia has surfaced saying arrest to killers of George Floyd then after he said some controversial after(racists)the behavior is disrespectful when he said the n-word I forgave him bc I thought he had changed but it seems not as a poc in America this is very offensive everyone can have there on option but when it comes to human right theres no option he said the N-word more than once(once dosen't make it ok)honestly I expected better for me to the black and to be a fan of Mattia and to see him say these type of things that I can't forgive him he's young but people younger know better if you said what you said you knew something about it i hope this isn't true or he comes out and explains I will continue to right this story bc this story isn't about Mattia its about Alejandro.-A/N

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