Three: Running Water

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Dream had been driving for a few hours before he got to the Ocean. He would take the boat to get to England with his car which lay all his things that he couldn't sneak through the airport.

He parked his car after waiting an hour and got out when it was time.

He looked around the garage, following the people to the exit which led up the stairs. Dragging his luggage, he thought about the boy he was willing to kidnap.

Would he be calm? Or would he be crazy? Is he going to be easy? Or hard? All these questions floated around in Dream's head he didn't even notice he got up the five flights of stairs.

He walked up to the centerpiece which was infront of the two large staircases. He looked down at the small map of the boat, getting to know where things were.

"Lord, this place is huge..."

"Please, check your time. A, B, C, and D corridor is four o'clock. E, F, G, and H corridor is five o'clock.  I, J, K, and L corridor---" the lady through the speaker's went on and on.

Dream sighed as he sunk down into the bed, remembering he was in O corridor.

The ship had stopped around thirty minutes ago. Now he just has to wait till he can leave.

He was lucky he got to bring his car. Not many people were able to, considering they could weigh too much for the boat.

He just couldn't wait to leave.

"Oooh, don't be like that! Come on~!" Tommy pulled the boy, or at least attempted to, to the floor.

"No~!" George whined. "What's the point? She doesn't even like me..." he snuggled up back into his blankets, biggest pout on his lips.

"Yes, she does! I've seen the look on her face. She's head over heels for you, George!" Tommy smiled at his friend.

"....I don't want to go..." George said in a quiet voice.

"But---not even for an hour? Come on~! Maybe we can participate in some adult games! How'd you think my mom would feel about that?"

"She'd get sooo mad! You're not even allowed to go, yet play the games there." George playfully said, Tommy suddenly changing his mood.

"They'd be fun." Tommy pointed out, smug look plastered on his face.

"But they're baaaad!" George laughs. "And you are way too young for those!" He threw a pillow at Tommy, who caught it.

"I'm seventeen." Tommy pointed out. "Life's great when you're seventeen. You practically rule the world. Yet my mom seems to disagree. But that's fine, she doesn't really fit into the category of common sense, so---" Tommy took a sip of his drink and burped.

"Oh my---" George sighed. "I'm just gonna stay here. I made up my mind." He sat up and looked at the other male.

Tommy gave him the ugliest look, "why?"

"I already to---"

"But you'll be all alone! And bored. You might as well just come with me and Minx."

", I said, she doesn't like me..."

"And even if she doesn't, it would still make sense if you came. You can't just stay here by yourself. It's unsafe. You've almost been kidnapped two times before!"

"I understand that. But mum has a vault. I know how to handle myself. I'm not stupid." George rolls his eyes as he sat straight up, legs crossed.

"Whatever, is something happened, what would you do? Last time, you locked yourself in your closet and cried for your mummy---"

"Okay, I get it..." George snapped. "I would go straight towards the vault---"

"Good, good." Tommy nodded.

George sighed. "It doesn't really matter anyway. Nobody's gonna come into this huge place and find their way to me." He got up and walked over to his dresser. "Especially tonight. I'm fine~." George said as he took out some pajamas.

Tommy gave a little look. "I guess. Just keep your lights off when you sleep. Otherwise---"

"I know...Tommy, I'm fine. You go have some fun." George smiled. Tommy nodded before heading out of the room.

He quickly put the mask over his face before grabbing his bag and putting it over his shoulders.

He got out of his car, careful not to make any noise as he stared up at the house he called a literal castle.

"What the f###, man?" How was he gonna find the boy in this mansion!? He shook his head before walking up to the wall.

He took his grappling hook and slung it over the edge. He tugged on in harshly, making sure it was secure.

Dream then reached up to pull himself forward as he climbed the big, stone wall. Once he got up to the top, he jumped down from the wall and landed on his feet.

He quickly but carefully crept down the lawn, making sure there was no cameras around. There were a few, but he didn't really care.

Dream took out a silenced gun then pointed towards the tiny red dot. Breathing steady and slow, he took fire, only to be met with a damaged camera.

He smiled through the smiling mask before rolling behind the bushes. He peeked around the corner only to see a window which led to what looked like a living room.

It was dimly lit up; quite fancy, too.

Edit: Are you----wattpad deleted the rest of the chapter! WTF! Anyway time to rewrite it...

Dream took out my crowbar and jammed it between the window and wall. Putting force onto it, the window broke open with a loud bang.

Dream stopped his actions to listen. Nobody had woken up, right? He took a deep breath before hopping onto the ledge.

"Meow," he jumped in his spot, almost falling off the ledge. He looked down to his right only to be met with a tiny, white kitten. It was so small and fluffy.

He sat up as fast as lightning. He had heard a loud 'BANG' from downstairs. He was scared, of course.

George sat still, trying to hear if there were any more noises like footsteps or creaks. Though, he had heard nothing.

It could've been his cat. She was always getting into trouble. Knocking things over, like vases, books, cups or plates. She's a very curious kitten he could say.

So, without a care in the world, he bundled up back into the blankets, closing his eyes once more. That was until he heard running water...


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