Lifeboat (Archie Andrews)

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{Archie X reader}
Y/N's P.O.V
I walked down the hall of Riverdale high passing the other students in the hall feeling as though they were all staring at me after what had happened over the weekend. I was out in Fox Forest when I seen a brown haired boy walking towards me, he was wearing a grey tank top and navy blue shorts I recognized him from school, his name is Kevin. After he walked towards me we talked for a little before out of no where he got close to me and pushed me against a tree and kissed me, that may seem normal but the thing about Kevin is he's gay so him kissing a girl was a big deal especially to the students of Riverdale High. By now everyone knew and I've received many jokes, notes in my locker and multiple commintaries from the football team, all except for one, a certain red haired boy who's heart was bigger than his muscles. I seen none other than Archie Andrews himself walking towards my locker, "Hey Y/N." He said with a smile, "Hey Archie." I kindly returned his smile, "Would you maybe want to get a milkshake at Pop's after school?" I looked at him, "Wouldn't the whole team make fun of you for getting a milkshake with the girl who made Kevin Keller realize he's bi?" He chuckled and came close to me, "I don't care what they all think. I like you and I can see why Kev couldn't resist you...because if we weren't in school right now I know I wouldn't be able to." He said putting a hand on my side squeezing a little causing me to blush. The bell rang and it was tome to go to the last class of the day which so conveniently Archie and I had together, "Shall we?" he asked holding out his arm I wrapped my arm around his as we walked towards class, everyone stared as we walked and entered the classroom. "What the hell Andrews?" Reggie Mantle asked from the back of the room, "Mind your own business Reggie." Archie replied as he sat next to me instead of where he usually sat next to the Bulldogs. He smiled at me and I could feel my heart melt into a puddle, we sat through the class and all I could think of was being alone with Archie. The thought scared yet excited me at the exact same time, the bell rang snapping me from my thoughts and Archie looked at me as the other students and teacher left, "Ready to go Y/N?" He said standing rather close, "Yeah. Let's go." He sighed, "First..." he leaned in and kissed me every atom in my body felt like it was on fire I didn't want it to stop it felt better than Kevin. This boy could really be my safety here at this hell hole of a school.

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