Union Of The Snake (F.P. Jones)

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{F.P. X Oc}
Scarlett's P.O.V
I walked into the dimly lit night club under Pop's, there were a few kids on stage performing I made my way to a table and sat next to a handsome, mysterious man wearing a leather jacket. He smiled at me and moved closer to me as we sat in a barely lit corner, he placed his hand on my thigh goosebumps rising on my skin as it trailed up my thigh before resting on the very top of my thigh under my dress. I bit my lip as I tried to focus on the group on stage. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "How's about we get out of here?" I looked at him and smiled nodding my head, He grabbed my hand and lead me out and to his truck, we got in and he drove to his place on the Northside, he parked outside before looking at me, "Don't worry no one's home." He got out and opened my door, we walked into the house before he pushed me against the door after he shut it and kissed me passionately, my hands made their way into his hair as his hands roamed my body, he broke the kiss and started to kiss and suck on my neck leaving marks. His hands left my sides and went to my ass squeezing it, "I never got your name handsome." He chuckled, "F.P." "Scarlett." He smirked, "Well Scarlett I hope you like fun." I smiled, "I do." His smirk grew as he lifted me up and carried me upstairs to his room, he lied me down on the bed and took off his shirt, I noticed a snake tattoo he noticed, "I'm a Serpent." A Southside Serpent took me home? I smirked and traced over it, "Tell me more." He chuckled, "I used to be the leader until my son took over." I continued to trace his tattoo, he took off my dress and noticed the tattoo on my chest. He let out a chuckle, "Well, well, we'll." He said before kissing the snake on my chest, "Secret little Serpent are we?" I smiled, "What are you going to do about it?" His smirk grew wider before he took off his pants, boxers and my bra and underwear. He positioned himself between my legs and kissed me again. He pushed in barely giving me time to adjust to him before pulling out and back in again, each thrust getting harder and faster until both of us were moaning messes reaching of climax. The feeling of him deep inside of me was something I'll never forget, he pulled out and lied next to me, "You are something amazing." I smiled at his compliment, he traced my tattoo gently with his fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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