Chapter 6

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Tig dropped her off at school the next morning after taking her to breakfast. They had remained quiet through breakfast but he hoped she would start warming up to him soon. As he dropped her off, he promised to be there to pick her up when she was done. She gave a small smile, thanked him for breakfast, and headed inside the building. He watched her until she was inside the building.

Today she was wearing a simple pair of white washed jeans, her Chuck Taylor's, and a simple black tank top. Once she was out of sight, he climbed back on his bike and headed back to Teller-Morrow. He had work to do at the shop since there wasn't much club business going on. A particularly stubborn car took all of his attention so when Gemma came out to let him know it was time for him to leave to pick up Nova, he was a bit startled. He'd worked through lunch!

As usual, he parked where he did when he dropped her off. Leaning against his bike, he began to get irritated. Normally she'd be bounding down the stairs from the three-story building but she wasn't there. Had she left without him or the club knowing? Was she staying after class for some unknown reason? Had another biker club kidnapped her? His mind was racing when he saw someone running from the side of the building.

As the person got closer, he noticed her shirt had been ripped open. A black tank top to be exact. With purple hair. He realized it was Nova running away from someone who was chasing her. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tig screamed as he took off towards her. Hearing Tig's voice, made her switch directions and head towards him. He caught her in his arms as a strange male came running towards them.

Tig pushed Nova behind him as he faced off her attacker. Nova bent over with her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. Everything happened so quickly, she hadn't had time to process things. She looked up just in time to see Tig ball his fist and hit her attacker in the face. Luke's head swiveled to the right. He growled then swung at Tig who just ducked. Tig executed a right-left-right causing Luke to stumble and fall to the ground.

The SAA knelt down in front of him and continued the ass beating he was delivering. "Leave (punch) my (punch) wife (punch) alone (punch)!" Tig exclaimed. Luke's nose was broken, his lip was busted, his eye was already turning an ungodly shade of purple. Luke got a few hits in on Tig but it was very apparent he was losing the battle. When he'd knocked the kid unconscious, he turned to his wife who was just watching the whole thing with a blank face.

Tig looked her over. Bruises already forming around her eye and nose. Bloody and split lip. Bloody nose. Covered in dirt and gravel. Shaking. He hated seeing her like this. Looking at her made his blood boil. Even if they hadn't wanted this marriage, he wouldn't stand for anyone to do this to a woman.

"Come on, let's get you back to the clubhouse." Tig grabbed her hand and led her back to his bike.

She held on tightly to him as they made their way through town. When he heard her sniffling, he rested his hand on top of hers and gave it a light squeeze. She didn't know why he'd beat the hell out of Luke or why he seemed to try to comfort her. It was a nice change to the asshole she'd been seeing. The idea of being around all the bikers at the moment made her very uneasy. After he'd parked and they'd climbed off, she wrapped her torn shirt around herself.

He led her into the clubhouse and to a rounded table. After ordering two shot glassed and a bottle of vodka, he told the prospect to go get Gemma.

"What the hell happened to you, Darlin'?" Jax asked as he, Chibs, Bobby, Happy, and Clay wandered over

Tig poured her a shot which she quickly downed then slid the glass over for another. She just stared ahead not answering or acknowledging anyone.

"She hasn't said a word to me since I found her. Beat the bastard I think attacked her." Tig stated making Chibs give his shoulder a squeeze.

"Out of the way!" Gemma demanded, "I'm taking her back to Tig's room."

"Why?" Clay asked.

"Because she's surrounded by men." Gemma stated, "Come on, baby. Let's go get you cleaned up."

Nova allowed Gemma to take her by her arm and lead her to the room she was sharing with her husband. They sat down on the bed after Gemma shut the door. Nova just stared straight ahead until Gemma started talking to her.

"You can open up to me. I've been where you are right now. It's better to talk about it than keep it in. Trust me." Gemma softly stated.

Nova's eyes filled with tears as she finally started to break down. Gemma pulled her into her side and began stroking her hair.

"Shh, baby. Let it all out." Gemma told her, "You're going to be ok. You're safe now. Please tell me exactly what happened. Who did this to you?"

She sniffled, "He was always nice to me. A little...flirty...sometimes but always polite. He didn't seem like a threat. He asked me out back so he could smoke and so he could ask me to go over some stuff with him. He'd done it before when he didn't quite grasp what we'd gone over in class that day.

Everything was fine. But then...then he grabbed me by my throat and pushed me up against the building. It startled me at first. Everything happened so fast... (Nova sniffled again) ...before I knew it, he'd thrown me to the ground and ripped my shirt open. He was grabbing my boobs and moaning. It made me sick to my stomach.

I told him the only way he'd ever have me was if he forced himself but I could never feel anything for a creep like him. That was the first time he hit me. I think he busted my lip with that one. I laughed at him and called him a pussy for hitting a woman. He hit me again. This time he got me by the eye. I struggled to get out from under him but he was sitting on me. And he had a knife to my stomach.

I told him what a pathetic loser he was for having to force himself on a woman. He hit me again, this time colliding with my nose. I could feel the blood dripping down my face. He began to unzip my jeans. I wiggled around some and was able to move my right leg. I kneed him as hard as I could in the balls. He rolled off me so I took the opportunity to scramble to my feet. I ran as fast as I could around the building. Suddenly...suddenly I heard Tig yell out. For some reason, I headed straight for him."

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry this happened to you. At least he didn't complete the assault. Why don't you take a shower? It'll help ease the stress of what happened and you can cry in peace." Gemma suggested, "I need to go talk to the boys. Let them know you're alright."

"Thanks, Gemma." Nova sat up and wiped her face.

Gemma left the young girl to get her shower. Tig was downing another shot as he waited to hear from Gemma and Nova.

"She's taking a shower now. He didn't...finish...the assault. She kneed him in the nuts then ran before he could do anything else. He's another student at her school." Gemma stated before her eyes landed on Tig, "I'll bring dinner by for the two of you tonight. Don't let her push you away. She needs you."

Tig downed another shot before Chibs took the bottle away.

"Bein' drunk won' help, brother." Chibs stated, "Stay wit' 'er. Be 'er 'usband, Tigger."

A/N: Think this will help Tig and Nova become closer? Or will it pull them even further apart?

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