Chapter 21

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Clay had been plotting for weeks. It needed to seem like he was just trying to make amends for what he'd done. Take her off-guard. They'd made too much noise when they broke into her house. That's why she grabbed for her gun. If it was an innocent visit, she'd let her guard down and he could take her by force. He had been using a repo to get around in so he didn't have to use Gemma all the time. It wouldn't be hard to throw her into the trunk of her car one night while Tig was out on a security run.

Over the next few weeks, Nova had become more and more paranoid. She refused to go to the garage. She went from work to home and back again. If she went grocery shopping or ran any errands, she made sure Tig was with her. She kept her gun on her person at all times, even when she was at the house. If she took a shower, she kept the gun within reaching distance. Tig was very worried about his wife. He'd never seen her like this.

Talking with Gemma, she assured him things were going to be fine and that the girl was just still worried about the porn producer who was trying to get her. It settled Tig down for a while. But then he'd see how paranoid his wife was and he'd get worried again. She begun sleeping with a knife under her pillow even though her gun was in her nightstand. She made him so paranoid, he began sleeping with his other gun under his pillow.

Tig, Bobby, and Chibs were doing a security run that night. Jax was visiting his mother with Abel. Clay simply stated he'd be back later and left mother and son to coo over the baby. Nova heard a car pull up by the curb and the two dogs immediately began growling. With her hand on her gun just inside the back of her jeans, she cautiously walked to the door. It was still locked so she looked out the peephole.

"Hey Nova, can we talk? I think it's time we cleared the air." She heard Clay state.

"Don't ever be alone with anyone you don't trust." Gemma's words came flooding back to her. She yelled through the door there was nothing to clear and asked him politely to leave her home. He begged for her to let him inside but she refused. Knowing Tig was busy, she didn't know who else to call. She wasn't sure what Gemma would do about this.

Clay kicked her door in so she whipped her gun out. With it pointed straight at his chest, she told him to leave her house. He shook his head no, "Can't do that, darlin'." She cocked her gun and once more told him to leave. He limped over to where she stood, with her moving around him so her back was now at the door instead of in the living room. She once again told him to leave but he just moved closer to her. Glancing down, she noticed the keys to her car were just right there.

She took the chance to grab them. As she did, he lunged forward to try and take her gun from her. She hit him as hard as she could upside the head, whistled for her dogs, and jumped into her car. She opened up the passenger side door to let them in then peeled out of her driveway. Not knowing where to go, she found herself at Teller-Morrow. Juice, Happy, and Quinn were sitting inside the clubhouse when she abruptly stopped.

Nova jumped out of her car with the two dogs following their master. The three men watched as she kept looking back at the entrance. Clay quickly followed suit.

"Leave me the fuck alone, Clay. I will shoot you here and now so help me God." She stopped half way between her car and the clubhouse.

"Things will be fine, Nova. You'll get used to the new life I'm giving you." He stated as the other three came out of the clubhouse.

"Clay? What's going on?" Quinn asked as Juice quickly dialed up Jax to let him know.

Jax told him to call Tig and said he'd be right there. The blond biker left his son with his mother who was suddenly worried she was about to become a widow.

"I told you, I wasn't going to that creep." She took a few steps back not realizing Happy was right behind her and bumped into the Tacoma Killah, "I will not hesitate to shoot you in the chest this time, old man."

"You didn't even want to be in this marriage. (Clay took a few steps forward as he reached for his gun) This is your way out of this." Clay told her.

"I would put that right back where you got it from." Nova told him, "Or do you honestly want to tell Tig you shot his 'ol lady?"

"You're coming with me whether you like it or not." Clay stated.

"I'll kill you before you get to me." She countered.

"You're out-gunned here, Princess. Think my boys are just going to let you shoot me?" Clay stated as Jax rolled up as he was pulling his gun again.

"I told you to put it back where it went." Nova stated.

"You're gonna shoot me with me being unarmed?" Clay laughed.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jax looked between Clay and Nova.

"He came to my home, Jax. Said he wanted to talk. But when I refused to let him in, he broke the door open. I'm not going to some creepy porn producer, Jax. I'll kill your Prez before I'm taken." She stated, "Now you may kill me for it but I don't care. I'd rather be dead then doing the sick shit he had me doing last time for the rest of my life."

Juice and Quinn just looked at one another withconfusion. Nova had done porn? When? Both men turned back to the scene beforethem.

"No one has to die tonight." Jax tried to reason.

"She's coming with me. There's two hundred grand waiting for us for her. we can split between the five of us. Easy near fifty grand each." Clay tried to entice the others.

"You can't put a price on a person, Clay." Juice stated as he moved to stand to her left.

"Is that what he offered my dad?" Nova scoffed.

"It's twice what he offered your dad. But I promised him I'd have you and that's what I'm going to do. Even if you have to be injured for me to do it." Clay took out his gun and was about to fire.

She squeezed the trigger first hitting him square in the chest. Juice's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe she'd just shot the President for a second time.

"I told you I'd kill him before I went to that bastard producer." Was all she said before walking to the bar for a drink.

She had already downed two shots of Tequila when the bikers came back inside. Her gun was sitting on the bar in front of her. She wasn't going to apologize for what she'd done. She'd given him plenty of warnings! She was protecting herself and her right to a peaceful life. Jax sat down next to her as the other three stood behind her.

"Darlin'...we gotta talk." Jax quietly stated.

"I won't apologize, Jax." She said, "He was going to sell me. Like a piece of fucking cattle! (Her voice raised) As I've told Tig time and time again, I am NOT property. Much less Clay's property."

"I'm not asking you to apologize." He stated as he watched her down another shot while the two dogs whimpered by her feet, "You killed our President. There are repercussions to that."

"Kill me, I don't fucking care. Make it quick though. That's all I ask." She bluntly stated taking all the bikers back.

"We're not going to kill you, Darlin'. We have to vote in a new president and new VP if I happen to be voted in as President. Just relax until the rest get here. We'll deal with telling my mom and doing something with the body." Jax told her.

"Call Unser. He knows all about my dad and Clay. It'll be another round of self-defense. Especially since he came to my home and attacked me a second time." Nova explained.

"How does Unser know about what's been going on?" Juice asked.

"I've kept him in the loop. I haven't exactly been feeling safe the last few weeks. Obviously for good reason. I've had a TRO on Clay Morrow for three weeks now." She explained.

"Damn. Well, uh, I guess we'll do it your way. This better not blow back on us." Jax warned.

"I'm not afraid of you Jax so quit with your idle threats." She raised her hand signaling she didn't want any more alcohol.

A/N: Are things going to go as Nova thinks they will with the cops? How is Gemma going to react to her husband dying at Nova's hand? How will Tig react to her killing his Prez?

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