Chapter 18

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Gemma was hugging her son when Nova pulled into the parking lot the next day. Tig smiled as he watched his 'ol lady walk over to where he stood with Chibs and Jax. He quickly pulled her into his arms and planted his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed into their kiss. As they pulled away and were heading into the clubhouse, Unser pulled up.

"What's Unser doing here?" Bobby asked.

"Hey Nova. I brought your gun back. Sorry I didn't get it to you yesterday." Unser handed the Glock over to Nova.

"Why the hell did you have her gun?" Tig stated, anger in his voice.

"Calm the hell down. I was involved in a shooting." She said.

"WHAT?" Tig yelled, "What the fuck happened while we were gone?"

"Clay needs to hear this. Where is he?" Bobby asked.

"Let me tell you what happened." She stated waiting for all the bikers to gather around, "Two nights ago I was woken up by the dogs growling. I took my gun and walked down the hallway. I heard two people talking. My dad and a masked man were standing in my kitchen looking for something.

Words were spoken. Threats made. Neither man wanted to leave. The masked man stepped towards me after I told him if he did again I'd shoot. He didn't listen so I shot him in the leg. My dad tried to wrestle my gun out of my hand and I shot him in the chest. The masked man nearly bled to death on my kitchen floor but I kept pressure on the wound till the paramedics arrived."

"So what does this have to do with Clay, Darlin'?" Jax inquired.

"Clay's the one whom I shot in the leg." She retorted, "He'll live but he's only alive because of my actions after the shooting. I warned him to leave my home. I warned him not to take another step towards me. Neither listened."

"Holy shit. You actually shot Clay." Juice gasped.

"He was warned, Juice. I had no choice." She huffed.

The entire group just stared at her. She was beginning to get uncomfortable.

"Clay should be awake by now. You can go see him if you'd like." Gemma stated, "Tig, you need to stay here."

"What? Why?" He huffed.

"Because I know you. I know how angry you are at him breaking into your house and trying to help kidnap your wife." Gemma calmly stated.

"I'll stay here with you." Happy offered.

Jax, Bobby, and Chibs decided to head off to the hospital to visit Clay. Happy and Tig sat at one of the tables and had some shots. Gemma winked at Nova before walking back to her office. Nova asked for a shot glass then sat down with the two men.

"I'm not sorry I shot your Prez, baby. I hope this doesn't blow back on you." She simply stated before downing the shot she'd poured for herself.

"He fucking broke into our house, Nova! He was trying to help your dad kidnap you to sell you to a porn producer!" Tig shouted making her look up at him curiously, "I'm surprised you had the calmness to only shoot him in the leg!"

"'re not mad at me?" She asked, downing another shot.

"I'm not, no. I can't speak for the others." He chuckled before clinking glasses with her after she poured her and him a shot.

" said he was trying to sell me to a porn producer?" She asked.

"Yeah. I didn't want you to know." Tig sighed.

"Was this guy's name Mike Douglas?" She asked.

"Don't know. Why?" Tig questioned as his wife stood from the table and bolted to her car.

"Oh shit." Tig stated before downing his shot and bolting for his bike.

Nova sped to the hospital determined to get the info she wanted out of Clay. She wanted to know how Clay even knew Mike to begin with. She hastily parked and rushed into the hospital. She knew what floor and room Clay was in already because Gemma had told her. She found the three bikers standing around talking with him.

"Who's the porn producer you were trying to sell me to?" She demanded.

"I don't know." Clay quickly retorted as Tig entered the room.

"You better tell me, old man, or I will seriously make you hurt." She hissed.

"I don't know. Your dad knew his name. Not me." Clay said.

She moved and punched his wounded leg making him yell out in pain. Jax grabbed her but she shrugged him off.

"Tell me the name or I will have them stop the pain medication." She glared into the older man's eyes, "Don't fuck me Morrow."

"It was Mike something." Clay offered.

"Mike Douglas?" She asked.

"Sounds right." Clay shrugged.

"You despicable piece of shit!" She shouted, "I should have went ahead and shot you in the chest instead of being nice to you!"

She pushed past her husband and Chibs and stormed down to her car. She had already peeled out of the parking lot by the time Tig and Chibs had made it down to the lot. Tig was totally confused by her reaction. He and Chibs raced through town and headed straight for their home. He hoped his wife would be there so he could get some answers.

The two bikers entered the house then stopped in their tracks. Nova was pacing back and forth in the living room muttering to herself. Tig had never seen her so...out of sorts before. Not even after she'd been attacked by a fellow student. She was always so strong-willed. It made him wonder what was going on with her now. He cautiously approached her then gently grabbed her arm. She immediately turned around swinging which he caught he wrist before she could actually hit him.

"Calm down. It's just me and Chibs." He quietly told her as he pulled her into his arms, "Wanna tell me what the hell's going on?"

"You might want to sit down for this." She sighed.

A/N: Please review and vote below <3

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