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John clasped both hands behind his neck as he arched his back with a morning stretch. This wasn't how the night should have gone. The hope still lived on seeing Vada in concert, if she could get someone to work her shift. John sat up, propped on the palms of his hands. Nick, surrounded by blankets and fluffy pillows, was silent in his slumber as John pondered. Nick always gave the best advice, having known John the longest. His head flung back as he let out a breath of air to remove the bangs from his face, cautious to wake his friend. "Nick, are you awake?"



"Yes, John. I am awake." The musician whined, throwing a pillow across the room. "I need to find her." John sighed, grabbing the pillow and tucking it close to his chest. His back sank further into the bed while he counted ceiling tiles. "John, there are plenty of women in California. The way she left last night, I'd assume she doesn't want to be found, mate." It was Nick's turn to rise, hair in a forbidding state. Whatever he did last night wore him out. "I just want to apologize. Maybe I came on too strong."

"Just let it go, Johnny boy. Think of all the ladies waiting for us tonight." Nick was always faithful to Julie, which made John roll his eyes. He appreciated the musician trying to make him feel better, but it wasn't the same as being on the prowl with Simon or Andy. "We gotta get this bloody room back together." Nick ordered, slinging clothes into a bag before tossing garbage into an overly full can. John threw a muscle cropped shirt over his slender build and grabbed his bass. He admired it for a moment, remembering how her tiny hands fit into his; the smell of her hair, the softness of her skin. John groaned, slinging the strap around his shoulder, while he gathered the rest of his belongings. "Got everything?" Nick asked, looking around. "Housekeeping will not be happy." He gave John a playful nudge, trying to lighten the mood.

Knots formed in John's stomach while his eyes bounced down each hallway they passed, looking for the brunette. "John, promise me you won't be upset if we don't find her." John nodded with half attention, mumbling something with a swat to Nick. Despite the annoyance he knew he brought to John, Nick placed a friendly hand on his shoulder with a squeeze. "I'm serious, Do not be hard on yourself."

"It's not even a big deal, if she's not here then she's-" The bassist pulls in his bottom lip with a smile. There she was; her curly mess now pulled into a low ponytail. She was wearing makeup, not that she needed it in his eyes. John's feet cemented to the ground, too scared to move. He couldn't face a second rejection. He pulled down the sides of his already flattened fedora and groaned. It was now or never.

"Checking in or checking-" Vada's eyes met with John's, "Out?" She softened her tone to a mere whisper. If it weren't for Nick, the two would have stared at each other forever. "Out, love." Nick sighed.

"Oh, yes. Right. I'm sorry." The brunette scrambled, trying to not make her glances obvious. Nick began signing forms while John never broke his contact with her. He licked his lips, leaving them separated. What was he doing? This was his shot, and he was blowing it. "Are you coming to the show tonight, Darling?" Nick asked.

"I'm waiting to see if I can get out of here early." She rolled her eyes before motioning to the man in the back office. Nick nodded. "Well, I hope to be seeing you there." Vada blushed, Nick was taking his girl out from his grasp. John tried to form anything more than a blink, falling short. Everything had come so naturally yesterday. Today he was the fan, and she was the rock star.

"John, say goodbye to the pretty lady." John formed an enclosed smile before walking off. Nick shook his head before giving a wave to the receptionist. He sat the bags on the bus where Simon cat called to him. "Hey sexy, where were you last night?" Based on his expression, he had a far more enjoyable night. "C'mon man, get in the bus. We gotta go." John looked at the four members on the bus and back to the hotel. Compulsive moves weren't always his expertise, but with Vada they just seemed to flow. If he didn't at least attempt to fix things, he'd never forgive himself. John wasn't expecting a marriage, but this could really be something. "I'll be back."

"John, we're on a schedule!"

The bassist never ran faster in his life. He stopped at the desk where the girl once stood. "Where's Vada?" He asked many employees as they all just looked at him concerningly. "Please." He pleaded, looking back to the bus window where Nick was now hanging out.

"John?" Vada peeked around the corner of an office, taking her step back at the desk. "Did you forget something?" She began looking for room keys before being interrupted by John. He stretched his lanky body over the counter, taking Vada's face in both hands with a long overdue kiss. The woman beside her rolls her eyes while she continues checking in a couple. Vada's left hand caressed John's glass jaw before she pushed him away. "Not here, you're gonna get me in trouble." She whispered, lips inches apart.

"Who wants to work Vada's shift tonight?" John yelled, spinning around the room. "I've got the rest of Duran out front, we'll sign anything." Almost immediately, a girl volunteers and Vada walks around the podium. "You are insane." She giggled. "Maybe, rock star." He mocked, before propping his hip against the cold wooden desk. "Go home and get ready. I'll see you at the show?" She nodded, looking around his figure at the girl who was having her chest signed by Simon.

John paraded back to the bus, a sigh of relief taking over his body. "I'd like you to know you threw us off schedule, Taylor." Andy laughs, giving a wink. John couldn't wipe the smile off of his face if he tried as his reflection peered back at him in the window.

Vada leaned against the reception desk, replaying the two days over and over. The dramatic gesture made her queasy; relationships weren't her thing. John was sweet, but she was young. Her life was only beginning at the ripe age of 19. "Earth to Vada? Hello?" Vada jumped back to reality, rushing back to her post. "I'm sorry what?" She gave an apologetic smile to her coworker. "I said what are you gonna wear?"

"Oh, I was just gonna throw something together." she rubbed her upper arm, now nervous about things that didn't matter a few minutes ago.

"Maybe a skirt-"

"Nono, are you kidding me, Vada? I'll put something together when we get home." Celeste offered. The only thing that held Celeste back from the fashion institute of California were the funds. Housekeeping wasn't a very high paying career. Celeste spent hours every night in their apartment sketching anything from dresses to jackets.

"Y'know, I'm glad we got someone to cover your shift. I would not have gone without you. I mean, what if John fell in love with me instead?" Celeste joked as the pair walked home. Love? No, lust? Maybe. Brian had the nerve to share the details of her rendezvous with John, Vada knew it was a matter of time before he called her last night. "Yeah, yeah. Hilarious. What about Simon? He would be lost without you!" Vada giggled as she tugged a key into a rickety door, excited for the transformation ahead of her.

Vada gave her best twirl in the outfit decided by her friend.

"This is the one, wow." Celeste flattened out Vada's pink leather miniskirt. "You don't think it's too much?" She turned over her shoulder, looking at her behind in the mirror. Vada tugged on the sleeve of the fishnet top, knees weak with anticipation. "Dude, no way! You look hot." Celeste had snatched herself into a black lace bra, a black skirt and an over-sized red jacket. She ran both hands through Vada's hair, reviving her teased curls.

Fifth row; it seemed like a dream. The girls knew once the commotion arose, they'd wedge their way to the front. Celeste squeezed Vada's upper arms. "Whatever happens tonight, don't let the fame go to your head."

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