Chapter 5

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The instant aroma, repulsed me. The smell of sweaty bodies and alcohol mixed, wasn't a pretty scent. I looked right, where crowds of guys and girls were, dancing to the song a song by Post Malone. I then looked to my left where it was just a hormone pit. Everyone was just kissing and grinding on each other. I was dragged from my thoughts, when Daisy grabbed my hand and dragged me in the direction of the kitchen.

"What drink are you thinking? I think they have all sorts of spirits and beers." Daisy asked, as she grabs two red plastic cups, and pouring herself a mystery drink from the keg.

"Whatever you are having. I'm not exactly clued up on Canadian drinks." I replied awkwardly.

"Here, it's pretty good." She said, passing me the cup she just poured. She went back to the keg to pour herself one. "Cheers. To the next 5 months." She laughed, taking a mouthful of drink from her cup.

I look down at the substance in my cup before bringing it up to my lips, sniffing the mystery liquid. My nose instantly scrunched up at the disgusting smell. But what drink actually smells nice? I shrugged my shoulders before downing the majority of the drink.

"Woah, calm down girl." Daisy said, looking at me surprised. We both laughed at each other before linking arms and downing the rest of our drinks.

I decided to go pour us another, filling it right to the top. I turned around to realise Daisy was nowhere to be seen. Damn it.

I walked out of the kitchen with both of the red cups in my hands, searching the crowds of people for Daisy. Before I knew it, a chest appear in front of me. I looked up to see the face of who's body is in front of me. I raised my eyebrows at him, before trying to swerve around him. But he stepped in the direction I went to move around him. Is he being serious? I looked up at him again giving him a look before going to walk past him again. He again stepped in my way.

"What is your problem?" I asked, with a bit of attitude. I think the alcohol is already taking centre stage.

"Girl with an attitude, I like it." He said, biting his lip. Gross. I rolled my eyes at him before barging past him, hitting his shoulders. "Not so fast." He said, grabbing onto my shoulders causing me to spill some of the liquid from the cups.

"Are you serious? You just made me spill my drink." I said getting quite annoyed.

"Hey, I just wanted to chat." He raised his eyebrow. "What's your name?"

"Bonnie." I replied, taking a sip of my drink.

"I'm Justin. It's nice to meet you." He said swinging his arm around my shoulder, taking the other drink I was carrying for Daisy.

"Excuse me. That isn't for you idiot." I said reaching for the drink. He was too quick, his arm extended upwards so I couldn't reach it. "Seriously?" I sulked.

"Come on, let's go outside. Meet some of my friends." He ordered guiding me back towards the kitchen.

"What if I don't want to meet your friends?" I snapped.

"Ah, well, you will want to sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes, stopping in my tracks by the keg. "Wait." I took my drink back to my lips, chugging the beer, keeping my eyes on Justin. He smirked at me, impressed by me downing some disgusting beer. If he was this impressed, then he has never seen a Brit drink before. I filled my cup up to the top again before turning back to Justin, following his lead to wherever his friends were.

"I'm impressed Bonnie. Didn't take you for someone so... Hardcore." He smirked.

"Well, that's the first thing you will learn. Don't underestimate me." I smiled as he held the door open for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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