Chapter 4

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In a weird way, I did feel like I was dreaming. No way in hell did I just fall into the arms of a god. That's the only way I could describe him. When I did open my eyes I took in his beauty. He was tanned, had styled golden brown hair with highlights through his purposefully messy hair. Which, in a weird way looked neat and tidy. He had a stubbled beard that stretched around his face - not like most men my age who are still trying to grow out their beards. He's got all of that. He has to be about 22, that's what I'm guessing any way. 

It was his eyes that intoxicated me - they were beautiful and I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. They were bright green, almost emerald, but I knew that colour was basically rare. I've never seen eyes like that before.

I was snapped out of my thoughts with this guy who is still holding me inches from the ground. He waved his free hand in front of my face to get my attention. 

"You finished ogling?" He asked, smirking. I tried pushing myself up out of his arms, but he stopped me by picking me up and setting me back on my feet. If my cheeks weren't bright red before, they definitely are now. 

His name came to me, I knew he said something before I went into a daydream. 'I'm Karter.'

"I'm so sorry, I guess I wasn't watching where I was going." I replied brushing my hair behind my ears, trying not to get lost in his eyes again.

"You are right, you weren't watching where you were going." He started, my eyes widened at his sudden rudeness. What a jerk. I went to move past him but he grabbed onto my arm to stop me.

"Not to fast."

I waited for him to continue, hoping he wouldn't continue his blatant rudeness.

"What's your name." He asked curiously.

"I'm Bonnie." I replied crossing my arms.

"Well Bonnie, just because you're so damn beautiful. I forgive you for walking into me, and no worries for catching you." He smirked. I swear to god that smirk will be the death of me.

I tried so hard to hold back a big smile. He just called me beautiful. He is also still a jerk, so I don't want to give him the satisfaction.

"Well... It's nice meeting you Karter, but I really need to go - so much unpacking and all." I said thinking about the one suitcase I did bring. I turned around to walk back to my room. I felt his presence still behind me, his eyes burning through me.

"See you around Bon Bon." I could hear the smile as he spoke, probably plastered across his face. I hated that name. I turned around to give him a piece of my mind but when I did he had already disappeared. Ignoring what just happened I entered my room to start unpacking.


"Mum everything is going fine! I've managed to unpack my suitcase, I don't need to buy bedding as the university supplied us with white sheets." I've been on the phone to my mother for the past half an hour, talking about the flight and my first impressions of the place.

"Are they clean?" She asked.

"Yes, mum. They were in packaging that hadn't been opened. Don't worry."

"Okay good, because I know what your university at home was like during first year and that put me off used bedding for life." I laughed at her panic. When I first went to university I forgot bed sheets, so we had to borrow some from the accommodation. My mum freaked out and that is putting it lightly. I laugh at that memory.

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