Chapter Thirteen: The Dark Elder

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     "Rise and shine. . ." a low, clicking voice hissed, dragging Kage back from the comforting darkness of sleep.

     "Who--?" he mumbled drowsily, shifting slightly as his faded red cape rustled against the stone floor. He hesitantly opened an inky black eye, instantly regretting it. The whole world seemed to spin wildly, blurring and dipping in and out of focus. . . It made him feel dizzy just looking at it. He winced and let the eye slide shut, wanting nothing more than to just go back to sleep. . . To forget about Leon, and the elders, and every other thing that seemed to have gone wrong with his life. . . "Go away." he muttered. 

     The voice gave a cruel, mocking laugh. "Not feeling our best, are we?" 

     Suddenly Kage was yanked upwards by his cape and dropped back down, nearly falling flat on his face before managing to flip over and land in a clumsy crouch. He forced his blurry eyes open a crack, and glanced upwards at the source of the voice: Envy. The Krill's massive form took up most of the room, the top of her head nearly brushing the stone ceiling high above. Her single blue eye shone with twisted humor as she loomed over the Child of Darkness.

     Kage stared up at her for a moment, then turned away, his bronze mask glinting in the dim red light that seeped through the doorway behind Envy. For a long moment, the only sound was the soft clicking of the Krill's legs and the faint howl of the wind somewhere outside. . . Finally, he broke the tense silence, shooting the creature a wary look.  "What do you want?"

     "Not even a 'hello' for your old friend?" Envy sneered.

     Kage's dark eyes narrowed slightly, and he glared up at the creature. "Last time I checked, friends don't try to kill each other." he flinched, remembering all too clearly the Krill's hate-filled red eye as she flung him against the rocks. . . He absently reached a hand up to rub his side. Even now, it still throbbed painfully from the impact.

     "Oh, don't be childish." Envy snarled, then paused for a moment, lowering her head slightly to study the child, an almost bored look plastered across her distorted face. "If I'd been aiming to kill you, you'd already be dead." before Kage could respond, the creature continued. "As to why I'm here. . ." she leaned forward slightly, her single bright eye watching him closely. "Well, it's quite a funny story, that. . . It just so happens that the elder wants to see you."

     Kage hesitated, momentarily confused. "The elder. . ." he repeated softly, but he trailed off, his dark eyes widening as he realized the Krill's meaning. His heart gave a frightened leap, and he quickly averted his gaze, struggling not to let the fear show on his masked face. "Elder Nero."

     "Who else?" Envy snapped, her eye momentarily flickering purple before fading back to its passive blue. "Certainly not that blundering old fool, Sage, or that oaf of an elder, Orion!" her tail lashed out in irritation, crashing into the towering doorframe and sending small chunks of stone clattering to the floor. 

     Kage slowly lowered his gaze, staring silently at a crack that ran along the floor, hardly even noticing the Krill's annoyance. The Dark Elder wanted to see him. . . But, why? Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. . .

     Could he have found out about Leon. . .?

     The child squeezed his eyes shut tight and shook his head slightly, trying his best to restrain a shiver. If Elder Nero had found out that Leon was still alive. . . That Kage had helped a Child of Light. . . Well. . . The Dark Elder wasn't exactly known for his forgiveness.

     Envy tilted her head slightly as she stared down at the child, watching him curiously. "Tell me, Kage." she hissed, leaning forward until she hovered directly above him, her shadow pooling around him like a shifting puddle of ink. "Why would the elder want to see you?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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