Mystery of the black sea

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I started to draw as everyone was looking at me I drew a straight line which made everyone shook

Jinyoung: I can see, you can even do a really good shaped circle and a straight line

I smiled as I continued to draw

10 minutes later

I finished my work as I gave it to him he looked at it amazed:

Jinyoung: goodness it's the best drawing I loved it! I'm gonna have you here you'll work here

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Jinyoung: goodness it's the best drawing I loved it! I'm gonna have you here you'll work here

Jimin: thank you Mr

Jinyoung: Changkyun will show you your office and how you will work

Boss: good!

I nod as Changkyun showed me my office as I looked around

Changkyun: you liked it?

Jimin: amazing!

Changkyun: good! Then let me show you how you will work and do

Jimin: okay

Changkyun: you have a boyfriend right?

Jimin: yes why? What will you do?

Changkyun: I'm making sure that I won't accidentally touch you it be close

Jimin: aww that's kind you can help me with everything just don't do something wrong to me

Changkyun: but wanna be friends?

Jimin: why do you ask thing like this to me?

Changkyun: because I heard you, you're the best cop in Korea and I'm a big fan of you so I just wanted to be close.....

Jimin: Ofc I would love to be friends with you, I have more then like hundred friends and why wouldn't I want more? You seem cute tho so yes

Changkyun: yay! *He clears his throat and speaks* so let me show you

I laughed and nodded, he shows me how to work, when I will work (Time) what I will draw and when.

Jimin: I'm hungry......

Changkyun: we worked hard so we deserve to eat, wanna eat in my favourite restaurant?

Jimin: sure!. My phone rang as I picked it up

On the phone:

Jimin: yes baby?

Jungkook: how does it go?

Jimin: really good I got accepted to the work

Jungkook: that's so good! What are you doing now?

Jimin: I'm gonna eat with changkyun-. I suddenly stopped because what if Jungkook misunderstands

Jungkook: who is Changkyun?

Jimin: he's my friend baby please don't misunderstand it

Jungkook: i trust you baby

Mystery of the Black Sea Where stories live. Discover now